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mxRemoveField (C and Fortran)

Remove field from structure array

C Syntax

#include "matrix.h"
void mxRemoveField(mxArray *pm, int fieldnumber);

Fortran Syntax

#include "fintrf.h"
subroutine mxRemoveField(pm, fieldnumber)
mwPointer pm
integer*4 fieldnumber



Pointer to a structure mxArray


Number of the field you want to remove. In C, to remove the first field, set fieldnumber to 0; to remove the second field, set fieldnumber to 1; and so on. In Fortran, to remove the first field, set fieldnumber to 1; to remove the second field, set fieldnumber to 2; and so on.


Call mxRemoveField to remove a field from a structure array. If the field does not exist, then nothing happens. This function does not destroy the field values. To destroy the actual field values, call mxRemoveField and then call mxDestroyArray.

Consider a MATLAB® structure initialized to: = 'John Doe';
patient.billing = 127.00;
patient.test = [79 75 73; 180 178 177.5; 220 210 205];

In C, the field number 0 represents the field name; field number 1 represents field billing; field number 2 represents field test. In Fortran, the field number 1 represents the field name; field number 2 represents field billing; field number 3 represents field test.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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