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Read MAT-File in C/C++

The matdgns.c example illustrates how to use the library routines to read and diagnose a MAT-file. To see the code, open the file in MATLAB® Editor.

After building the program, run the application. This program reads the mattest.mat MAT-file created by the Create MAT-File in C or C++ example. To run the application, depending on your platform, either double-click its icon or enter matdgns at the system prompt.

matdgns mattest.mat
Reading file mattest.mat...
Directory of mattest.mat:
Examining the header for each variable:
According to its header, array GlobalDouble has 2 dimensions
  and was a global variable when saved
According to its header, array LocalString has 2 dimensions
  and was a local variable when saved
According to its header, array LocalDouble has 2 dimensions
  and was a local variable when saved
Reading in the actual array contents:
According to its contents, array GlobalDouble has 2 dimensions
  and was a global variable when saved
According to its contents, array LocalString has 2 dimensions
  and was a local variable when saved
According to its contents, array LocalDouble has 2 dimensions
  and was a local variable when saved

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