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System Requirements for Using MATLAB Interface to .NET

The MATLAB® interface supports:

  • .NET Framework 4.0 Runtime and higher (Microsoft® Windows®)

  • .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0 and higher (Microsoft Windows)

  • .NET Runtime 6.0 and higher (macOS and Linux®)

The interface continues to support assemblies targeting .NET Core, and assemblies targeting Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 and higher. By default, MATLAB uses the latest version of .NET found on your system. For information about .NET versions compatible with MATLAB, see MATLAB Interfaces to Other Languages.

To determine if your system has a supported version, use the NET.isNETSupported function. To change the run-time environment, call dotnetenv.

To use a .NET application, refer to your vendor product documentation for information about how to install the program and for details about its functionality.

The MATLAB interface to .NET is available on the Windows platform only.

MATLAB Configuration File

MATLAB provides a configuration file which loads the latest core assemblies available on your system. You can modify and use the configuration file at your own risk.

  • For .NET 6, the file is matlabroot/bin/win64/dotnetcli_netcore.runtimeconfig.json. For more information about .NET runtime configuration settings, refer to Microsoft .NET Framework documentation.

  • For Microsoft .NET Framework, the file is matlabroot/bin/win64/MATLAB.exe.config. For more information about the configuration file schema for .NET Framework, refer to Microsoft .NET Framework documentation.

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