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Use External Parameters in Parameterized Test

You can inject variable inputs into your existing class-based test. To provide test data that is defined outside the test file and that should be used iteratively by the test (via parameterized testing), create an array of Parameter instances, and then use the ExternalParameters name-value argument with TestSuite creation methods such as fromClass.

Create the cleanData function. The function accepts an array, vectorizes the array, removes 0, NaN, and Inf, and then sorts the array.

function Y = cleanData(X)
    Y = X(:);         % Vectorize array
    Y = rmmissing(Y); % Remove NaN
    % Remove 0 and Inf
    idx = (Y==0 | Y==Inf);
    Y = Y(~idx);
    % If array is empty, set to eps
    if isempty(Y)
        Y = eps;
    Y = sort(Y);      % Sort vector

Create a parameterized test to test the cleanData function. The test repeats each of the four Test methods for the two data sets that are defined in the properties block.

classdef TestClean < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    properties (TestParameter)
        Data = struct("clean",[5 3 9;1 42 5;32 5 2], ...
            "needsCleaning",[1 13;NaN 0;Inf 42]);
    methods (Test)
        function classCheck(testCase,Data)
            act = cleanData(Data);
        function sortCheck(testCase,Data)
            act = cleanData(Data);
        function finiteCheck(testCase,Data)
            import matlab.unittest.constraints.IsFinite
            act = cleanData(Data);
        function noZeroCheck(testCase,Data)
            import matlab.unittest.constraints.EveryElementOf
            import matlab.unittest.constraints.IsEqualTo
            act = cleanData(Data);

Run the tests. The framework runs the eight parameterized tests using the data defined in the test file.

import matlab.unittest.TestSuite
suite1 = TestSuite.fromClass(?TestClean);
results =;
Running TestClean
Done TestClean

ans =

  8×6 table

                        Name                         Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration       Details   
    _____________________________________________    ______    ______    __________    _________    ____________

    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=clean)'         }    true      false       false         0.66469    {1×1 struct}
    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=needsCleaning)' }    true      false       false       0.0066959    {1×1 struct}
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=clean)'          }    true      false       false       0.0039298    {1×1 struct}
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=needsCleaning)'  }    true      false       false        0.003343    {1×1 struct}
    {'TestClean/finiteCheck(Data=clean)'        }    true      false       false        0.055924    {1×1 struct}
    {'TestClean/finiteCheck(Data=needsCleaning)'}    true      false       false       0.0017951    {1×1 struct}
    {'TestClean/noZeroCheck(Data=clean)'        }    true      false       false         0.90772    {1×1 struct}
    {'TestClean/noZeroCheck(Data=needsCleaning)'}    true      false       false        0.007801    {1×1 struct}

Create a data set external to the test file.

A = [NaN 2 0;1 Inf 3];

Create an array of Parameter instances from the external data set. The fromData method accepts the name of the parameterization property from the properties block in TestClean and the new data as a cell array (or structure).

import matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter
newData = {A};
param = Parameter.fromData("Data",newData);

Create a new test suite using the external parameters. The framework appends the characters #ext to the end of the parameter names, indicating that the parameters are defined externally.

suite2 = TestSuite.fromClass(?TestClean,"ExternalParameters",param);
ans =

  4×1 cell array

    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=2x3_double#ext)' }
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=2x3_double#ext)'  }

To have full control over parameter names in the suite, define the parameters using a structure. Then, run the tests.

newData = struct("commandLineData",A);
param = Parameter.fromData("Data",newData);
suite2 = TestSuite.fromClass(?TestClean,"ExternalParameters",param);
results =;
ans =

  4×1 cell array

    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=commandLineData#ext)' }
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=commandLineData#ext)'  }

Running TestClean
Done TestClean

Create another data set that is stored in an ASCII-delimited file.

B = rand(3);
B(2,4) = 0;
clear B

Create parameters from the stored data set and A, and then create a test suite.

newData = struct("commandLineData",A,"storedData",readmatrix("myFile.dat"));
param2 = Parameter.fromData("Data",newData);
suite3 = TestSuite.fromClass(?TestClean,"ExternalParameters",param2);

To run the tests using parameters defined in the test file and externally, concatenate the test suites. View the suite element names and run the tests.

suite = [suite1 suite3];
results =;
ans =

  16×1 cell array

    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=clean)'               }
    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=needsCleaning)'       }
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=clean)'                }
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=needsCleaning)'        }
    {'TestClean/finiteCheck(Data=clean)'              }
    {'TestClean/finiteCheck(Data=needsCleaning)'      }
    {'TestClean/noZeroCheck(Data=clean)'              }
    {'TestClean/noZeroCheck(Data=needsCleaning)'      }
    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=commandLineData#ext)' }
    {'TestClean/classCheck(Data=storedData#ext)'      }
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=commandLineData#ext)'  }
    {'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=storedData#ext)'       }
    {'TestClean/finiteCheck(Data=storedData#ext)'     }
    {'TestClean/noZeroCheck(Data=storedData#ext)'     }

Running TestClean
Done TestClean

Running TestClean
Done TestClean

See Also


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