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Write Plugins to Extend TestRunner

Custom Plugins Overview

TestRunnerPlugin methods have four levels: test session, test suite, test class, and test. At each level, you implement methods to extend the running of tests. Additionally, you implement methods at the test suite, test class, and test levels to extend the creation, setup, and teardown of tests or test fixtures.

At the test suite, test class, and test levels, the reportFinalizedResult method enables the test runner to report finalized test results. A test result is finalized when no remaining test content can modify it. The test runner determines if it invokes the reportFinalizedResult method at each level. At the test session level, the reportFinalizedSuite method enables the test runner to report test results once the test suite is finalized.

The test runner runs different methods as shown in the figure.

TestRunnerPlugin methods organized into the test session, test suite, test class, and test levels

The creation methods are the only set of TestRunnerPlugin methods with an output argument. Typically, you extend the creation methods to listen for various events originating from the test content at the corresponding level. Since both TestCase and Fixture instances inherit from the handle class, you add listeners using the addlistener method. The methods that set up, run, and tear down test content extend the way the test runner evaluates the test content.

Extending Test Session Level Plugin Methods

The TestRunnerPlugin methods at the test session level extend the running and reporting of the test suite passed to the test runner. These methods fall within the scope of the runSession method.

The run method at this level, runTestSuite, extends the running of a portion of the entire TestSuite array that the testing framework passes to the test runner. The reportFinalizedSuite method extends the reporting of a test suite that has been finalized by runTestSuite.

Extending Test Suite Level Plugin Methods

The TestRunnerPlugin methods at the test suite level extend the creation, setup, running, and teardown of shared test fixtures. These methods fall within the scope of the runTestSuite method.

Type of MethodTest Level Falls Within Scope of runTestSuite
creation methodcreateSharedTestFixture
setup methodsetupSharedTestFixture
run methodrunTestClass
teardown methodteardownSharedTestFixture

At this level, the createSharedTestFixture method is the only plugin method with an output argument. It returns the Fixture instances for each shared fixture required by a test class. These Fixture instances are available to the test through the getSharedTestFixtures method of TestCase.

The run method at this level, runTestClass, extends the running of tests that belong to the same test class or the same function-based test, and incorporates the functionality described for the test class level plugin methods.

Extending Test Class Level Plugin Methods

The TestRunnerPlugin methods at the test class level extend the creation, setup, running, and teardown of test suite elements that belong to the same test class or the same function-based test. These methods apply to a subset of the full TestSuite array that the test runner runs.

Type of MethodTest Level Falls Within Scope of runTestClass
creation methodcreateTestClassInstance
setup methodsetupTestClass
run methodrunTest
teardown methodteardownTestClass

At this level, the createTestClassInstance method is the only plugin method with an output argument. It returns the TestCase instances created at the class level. For each class, the testing framework passes the instance into any methods with the TestClassSetup or TestClassTeardown attribute.

A test class setup is parameterized if it contains properties with the ClassSetupParameter attribute. In this case, the testing framework evaluates the setupTestClass and teardownTestClass methods as many times as the class setup parameterization dictates.

The run method at this level, runTest, extends the running of a single TestSuite element, and incorporates the functionality described for the test level plugin methods.

The testing framework evaluates methods at the test class level within the scope of the runTestClass method. If the TestClassSetup code completes successfully, it invokes the runTest method one time for each element in the TestSuite array. Each TestClassSetup parameterization invokes the creation, setup, and teardown methods a single time.

Extending Test Level Plugin Methods

The TestRunnerPlugin methods at the test level extend the creation, setup, running, and teardown of a single test suite element. A single Test element consists of one Test method or, if the test is parameterized, one instance of the test parameterization.

Type of MethodTest Level Falls Within Scope of runTest
creation methodcreateTestMethodInstance
setup methodsetupTestMethod
run methodrunTestMethod
teardown methodteardownTestMethod

At this level, the createTestMethodInstance method is the only plugin method with an output argument. It returns the TestCase instances created for each Test element. The testing framework passes each of these instances into the corresponding Test methods, and into any methods with the TestMethodSetup or TestMethodTeardown attribute.

The testing framework evaluates methods at the test level within the scope of the runTest method. Provided the framework completes all TestMethodSetup work, it invokes the plugin methods at this level a single time per Test element.

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