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3-D comet plot


comet3(z) displays a comet plot of the data specified in z versus x- and y-values matching the indices of z. A comet is an animation of a marker (head) and a line (tail) tracing a growing line over the data points. The tail is a solid line that traces the entire function.

comet3(x,y,z) displays a comet plot of z versus x and y.


comet3(x,y,z,p) specifies the comet body length. The comet body is a trailing segment in a different color that follows the head before fading. The body length is p*length(y), where p is a scalar in [0, 1).


comet3(ax,x,y,z,p) plots the comet into the axes specified by ax.



collapse all

Create a comet plot of the data in z versus the data in x and y. Use the peaks function to load x, y, and z data in matrix forms. Convert the data into vector arrays. Then, plot the data.

[xmat,ymat,zmat] = peaks(100); 
xvec = xmat(:);
yvec = ymat(:);
zvec = zmat(:);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 3 objects of type line, animatedline.

Create a comet plot and specify the comet body length by setting the scale factor input p. The comet body is a trailing segment in a different color that follows the head before fading.

Use the peaks function to load x, y, and z data in matrix forms. Convert the data into vector arrays. Specify p as 0.5 so that the body length is 0.5*length(y). Then, plot the data.

[xmat,ymat,zmat] = peaks(100); 
xvec = xmat(:);
yvec = ymat(:);
zvec = zmat(:);
p = 0.5;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 3 objects of type line, animatedline.

Create two comet plots in a tiled chart layout by specifying the target axes for each plot.

Use the peaks function to load x, y, and z data in matrix forms. Convert the data into vector arrays. Specify the body length scale factor p as 0.25 so that the body length is 0.5*length(y).

[xmat,ymat,zmat] = peaks(50); 
xvec = xmat(:);
yvec = ymat(:);
zvec = zmat(:);
p = 0.25;

Store the two Axes objects as ax1 and ax2. Specify the target axes for each comet plot by including the Axes object as the first input argument to comet.

ax1 = nexttile;
ax2 = nexttile;


Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 contains 3 objects of type line, animatedline. Axes object 2 contains 3 objects of type line, animatedline.

Input Arguments

collapse all

z-values, specified as a vector. To plot against specific x- and y-values you must also specify x and y.

x-values, specified as a vector. x, y, and z must be the same size. If you specify geographic axes for ax, then x represents latitude in degrees.

y-values, specified as a vector. x, y, and z must be the same size. If you specify geographic axes for ax, then y represents longitude in degrees.

Comet body length scale factor, specified as a value in the interval [0, 1). The comet body length is p*length(y).

Target axes, specified as an Axes object or GeographicAxes object.


  • Comet plots do not support data tips.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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