Shift date or generate sequence of dates and times
t2 = dateshift(
shifts each value in the t
array t
back to the beginning of the unit of time specified by unit
The output t2
is the same size as
For example, if you shift 9:14 a.m., June 27, 2021 to the start of the hour, then the shifted value is 9:00 a.m., June 27, 2021. If you shift it to the start of the month, then the shifted value is 12:00 a.m., June 1, 2021.
t2 = dateshift(
shifts the values ahead to the end of the unit of time specified by
The end of a day, hour, minute, or second is also the beginning of the next day, hour, minute, or second. For example, if you shift 9:14 a.m., June 27, 2021 to the end of the hour, then the shifted value is 10:00 a.m., June 27, 2021.
The end of a year, quarter, month, or week is midnight at the beginning of the last day of that year, quarter, month, or week. For example, if you shift 9:14 a.m., June 27, 2021 to the end of the month, then the shifted value is 12:00 a.m., June 30, 2021.
t2 = dateshift(
shifts to the weekend day (either Saturday or Sunday) that occurs on or after
each t
value in array t
Input Arguments
Extended Capabilities
Version History
Introduced in R2014b