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Hour, minute, and second numbers of datetime or duration


[h,m,s] = hms(t) returns the hour, minute, and second values of the datetime or duration values in t as separate numeric arrays. The h and m outputs contain integer values, and the s output can contain a fractional part. h, m, and s are the same size as t.

Calling hms on a datetime array is equivalent to calling the hour, minute, and second functions.



collapse all

t1 = datetime('now','Format','HH:mm:ss.SSS');
t = t1 + minutes(0:45:135)
t = 1x4 datetime
   01:40:35.889   02:25:35.889   03:10:35.889   03:55:35.889

[h,m,s] = hms(t)
h = 1×4

     1     2     3     3

m = 1×4

    40    25    10    55

s = 1×4

   35.8890   35.8890   35.8890   35.8890

hms returns the hour, minute, and second numbers in separate arrays.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input dates and times, specified as a datetime or duration array.

Data Types: datetime | duration

Output Arguments

collapse all

Hour numbers, returned as a numeric array of integer values from 0 to 23. The h output is of type double and is the same size as t.

Minute numbers, returned as a numeric array of integer values from 0 to 59. The m output is of type double and is the same size as t.

Second numbers, returned as a numeric array of values from 0 to less than 60, and can include a fractional part. For datetime values whose time zone is UTCLeapSeconds, the s output can contain a value between 60 and 61 for times that fall during a leap second occurrence. The s output is of type double and is the same size as t.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

See Also

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