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HTTP Authentication scheme


The AuthenticationScheme enumeration class provides identifiers for supported authentication schemes. To specify a scheme, add a Scheme property to a Credentials object. For more information, see RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication on the RFC Editor website.

If you send a message to a server that requires authentication, then the server returns a ResponseMessage with a StatusCode of 401 or 407. The AuthenticateField in the response specifies the required AuthenticationSchemes for the request. Choose the strongest of the schemes that you can support, and reissue the request with an AuthorizationField containing the appropriate authorization information.

If MATLAB® does not implement a scheme automatically and you want to use the scheme, then you must implement your own challenge responses.

Member Name

User name and password are transmitted in the header of an HTTP message. This scheme is implemented automatically when you supply the appropriate Credentials property in an HTTPOptions object when sending a message, and the server requests Basic authentication.


User is authenticated with a name and password, but more secure because the password is not transmitted over the connection. This scheme is implemented automatically when you supply the appropriate Credentials property in an HTTPOptions object when sending a message, and the server requests Digest authentication.


Based on OAuth. MATLAB does not support this scheme.


Not supported by MATLAB.


Not supported by MATLAB.


This scheme supports SPNEGO-based Kerberos and NTLM on Windows® only.

MATLAB implements this scheme automatically when you supply Credentials in HTTPOptions that name this scheme or which have an empty Scheme. A default HTTPOptions object contains such a Credentials object. To use this scheme, you must be properly logged into a Kerberos or NTLM environment. This scheme ignores the Username and Password properties of the Credentials object.


MATLAB implements this scheme automatically when you supply Credentials in HTTPOptions that name this scheme or which have an empty Scheme. A default HTTPOptions object contains such a Credentials object. To use this scheme:

  • On Windows platforms, you must be properly logged into an NTLM environment, and the Username and Password properties of the Credentials object are ignored.

  • On Linux® and macOS platforms, you must specify the Username and Password in the Credentials object.


Not supported by MATLAB. However, you can create the specific header fields required by OAuth. For an example, see Accessing Twitter with HTTP Interface in MATLAB.


Not supported by MATLAB.


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Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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