Summary of header field classes in MATLAB HTTP interface
AcceptField | HTTP Accept header field |
AuthenticateField | HTTP WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate header field |
AuthenticationInfoField | HTTP Authentication-Info header field in response message |
AuthorizationField | HTTP Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header field |
ContentDispositionField | HTTP Content-Disposition header field |
ContentLengthField | HTTP Content-Length field |
ContentLocationField | HTTP Content-Location header field |
ContentTypeField | HTTP Content-Type header field |
CookieField | HTTP Cookie header field |
DateField | HTTP Date header field |
GenericField | HTTP header field with any name and value |
GenericParameterizedField | GenericField to support parameterized syntax |
HTTPDateField | HTTP header field containing date |
IntegerField | Base class for HTTP header fields containing nonnegative integers |
LocationField | HTTP Location header field |
MediaRangeField | Base class for HTTP Content-Type and Accept header fields |
SetCookieField | HTTP Set-Cookie header field |
URIReferenceField | Base class for HTTP header fields containing URI components |
Version History
Introduced in R2016b