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Results of upgrade operations


A VersionResults object contains the results of each operation when upgrading the personal settings of a toolbox.


Create a ReleaseCompatibilityResults object for a specific toolbox version number by using the matlab.settings.loadSettingsCompatibilityResults function. Then, access the Results property to get the VersionResults object.

For example, this code gets the VersionResults object for version 2 of the toolbox mytoolbox.

myCompatibilityResults = matlab.settings.loadSettingsCompatibilityResults('mytoolbox','Version2');
ans = 
  VersionResults with properties:
      VersionLabel: "Version2"
    VersionChanges: [1×2 matlab.settings.OperationResult]


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Toolbox version of results, specified as a string scalar.

Example: "Version2"

Status for each upgrade operation, specified as an array of operation result objects.


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Create functions to create and then upgrade a toolbox factory tree and then test that the upgrade completes successfully.

The function createMyToolboxFactoryTree creates the factory settings tree for the toolbox mytoolbox.

function myToolboxFactoryTree = createMyToolboxFactoryTree()
    myToolboxFactoryTree = matlab.settings.FactoryGroup.createToolboxGroup('mytoolbox', ...

    toolboxFontGroup = addGroup(myToolboxFactoryTree,'font','Hidden',false)
    addSetting(toolboxFontGroup,'MyFontSize','FactoryValue',11,'Hidden',false, ...
    addSetting(toolboxFontGroup,'MyFontColor','FactoryValue','Black', ...

Create the function createMyToolboxSettingsFileUpgraders with an empty matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader object.

function upgraders = createMyToolboxSettingsFileUpgraders()
    upgraders = matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader.empty;

Create the settingsInfo.json file for the toolbox. Specify mytoolbox as the root settings group name, createMyToolboxFactoryTree as the settings tree creation function, and createMyToolboxSettingsFileUpgraders as the settings tree upgrade function. Place settingsInfo.json in the toolbox resources folder.

"ToolboxGroupName" : "mytoolbox",
"Hidden" : false,
"CreateTreeFcn" : "createMyToolboxFactoryTree",
"CreateUpgradersFcn" : "createMyToolboxSettingsFileUpgraders"

Add the folder that contains the settings tree creation function and the toolbox resources folder to the MATLAB® path. Then, load the factory settings tree for mytoolbox.


Use the settings function to access the root of the settings tree and set the personal value for the MyFontSize setting.

s = settings;
s.mytoolbox.font.MyFontSize.PersonalValue = 15;

Change the settings names in createMyToolboxFactoryTree from MyFontSize and MyFontColor to FontSize and FontColor.

function myToolboxFactoryTree = createMyToolboxFactoryTree()
    myToolboxFactoryTree = matlab.settings.FactoryGroup.createToolboxGroup('mytoolbox', ...

    toolboxFontGroup = addGroup(myToolboxFactoryTree,'font','Hidden',false)
    addSetting(toolboxFontGroup,'FontSize','FactoryValue',11,'Hidden',false, ...
    addSetting(toolboxFontGroup,'FontColor','FactoryValue','Black', ...

Record the rename of the two settings in the createMyToolboxSettingsFileUpgraders function as changes to the settings tree for version 2 of mytoolbox.

function upgraders = createMyToolboxSettingsFileUpgraders()
    upgraders = matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader('Version2'); 

Reload the factory settings tree for mytoolbox.


Use the settings function to access the root of the settings tree and verify that the personal value for the FontSize setting was correctly moved from the MyFontSize setting.

s = settings;
ans = 
  Setting 'mytoolbox.font.FontSize' with properties:
       ActiveValue: 15
    TemporaryValue: <no value>
     PersonalValue: 15
      FactoryValue: 11

Get the results of each upgrade operation for version 2 of mytoolbox.

compatibilityResults = matlab.settings.loadSettingsCompatibilityResults('mytoolbox','Version2');
ans = 
  VersionResults with properties:
      VersionLabel: "Version2"
    VersionChanges: [1×2 matlab.settings.OperationResult]

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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