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matlab.unittest Namespace

Summary of classes and namespaces in MATLAB unit testing framework


The matlab.unittest namespace consists of the following classes and namespaces.


matlab.unittest.FunctionTestCaseTest case for function-based tests
matlab.unittest.ScopeTest scope enumeration class
matlab.unittest.TestSpecification of a single test
matlab.unittest.TestCaseSuperclass of all test classes
matlab.unittest.TestResultResult of running test suite
matlab.unittest.TestRunnerClass for running tests in unit testing framework
matlab.unittest.TestSuiteFundamental interface for grouping tests to run


matlab.unittest.constraintsSummary of classes in MATLAB constraints interface
matlab.unittest.fixturesSummary of classes in MATLAB fixtures interface
matlab.unittest.parametersSummary of classes associated with MATLAB unit testing parameters
matlab.unittest.pluginsSummary of classes in MATLAB plugins interface
matlab.unittest.qualificationsSummary of classes in MATLAB qualifications interface
matlab.unittest.selectorsSummary of classes in MATLAB selectors interface

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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