matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance Class
Namespace: matlab.unittest.constraints
Fundamental interface for tolerances
The matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance
class provides an interface for
tolerances. Tolerances define a notion of approximate equality for given data types and can be
applied to the IsEqualTo
constraint as well as certain
comparators using the Within
name-value argument.
The class has three abstract methods. To create a custom tolerance class, derive your
class from matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance
and implement all the abstract
Public Methods
supports |
Determine if the tolerance supports the expected value. This method specifies which data types the tolerance supports. Input Arguments
Output Arguments
satisfiedBy |
Determine if the values are within the tolerance. This method provides the tolerance definition. Input Arguments
Output Arguments
getDiagnosticFor |
diagnostic information for the values being compared. This information is
incorporated into the diagnostics provided by the Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Create Custom Tolerance
Determine if two DNA sequences have a Hamming distance within a specified tolerance. For two DNA sequences of the same length, the Hamming distance is the number of positions in which the nucleotides (letters) of one sequence differ from the other.
Create DNA
To represent DNA sequences, create the DNA
class in a file named DNA.m
in your current folder.
classdef DNA properties (SetAccess=immutable) Sequence char {mustHaveValidLetters} end methods function dna = DNA(sequence) dna.Sequence = sequence; end end end function mustHaveValidLetters(sequence) validLetters = ... sequence == 'A' | ... sequence == 'C' | ... sequence == 'T' | ... sequence == 'G'; if ~all(validLetters,"all") error("Sequence contains one or more invalid letters.") end end
Create HammingDistance
In a file named HammingDistance.m
in your current folder, create the HammingDistance
class by subclassing matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance
. Add a property Value
so that you can specify the maximum allowable Hamming distance.
Classes that derive from the Tolerance
class must implement the supports
, satisfiedBy
, and getDiagnosticFor
method — Specify that the tolerance must support objects of theDNA
method — Specify that for the actual and expected values to be within the tolerance, they must be the same size and their Hamming distance must be less than or equal to the tolerance value.getDiagosticFor
method — Create and return aStringDiagnostic
object that contains diagnostic information about the comparison.
classdef HammingDistance < matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance properties Value end methods function tolerance = HammingDistance(value) tolerance.Value = value; end function tf = supports(~,expected) tf = isa(expected,"DNA"); end function tf = satisfiedBy(tolerance,actual,expected) if ~isSameSize(actual.Sequence,expected.Sequence) tf = false; return end tf = hammingDistance(actual.Sequence,expected.Sequence) <= ... tolerance.Value; end function diagnostic = getDiagnosticFor(tolerance,actual,expected) import matlab.automation.diagnostics.StringDiagnostic if ~isSameSize(actual.Sequence,expected.Sequence) str = "The DNA sequences have different lengths."; else str = "The DNA sequences have a Hamming distance of " ... + hammingDistance(actual.Sequence,expected.Sequence) ... + "." + newline + "The allowable distance is " ... + tolerance.Value + "."; end diagnostic = StringDiagnostic(str); end end end function tf = isSameSize(str1,str2) tf = isequal(size(str1),size(str2)); end function distance = hammingDistance(str1,str2) distance = nnz(str1 ~= str2); end
Compare DNA Sequences
To compare DNA sequences using a tolerance, first import the necessary classes and create a test case for interactive testing.
import matlab.unittest.TestCase import matlab.unittest.constraints.IsEqualTo testCase = TestCase.forInteractiveUse;
Create two DNA
objects and compare them without specifying a tolerance. The test fails because the objects are not equal.
sampleA = DNA("ACCTGAGTA"); sampleB = DNA("ACCACAGTA"); testCase.verifyThat(sampleA,IsEqualTo(sampleB))
Verification failed. --------------------- Framework Diagnostic: --------------------- IsEqualTo failed. --> ObjectComparator failed. --> The objects are not equal using "isequaln". Actual Value: DNA with properties: Sequence: 'ACCTGAGTA' Expected Value: DNA with properties: Sequence: 'ACCACAGTA' ------------------ Stack Information: ------------------ In C:\work\CreateCustomToleranceExample.m (CreateCustomToleranceExample) at 45
Verify that the DNA sequences are equal within a Hamming distance of 1
. The test fails and the testing framework displays additional diagnostic information produced by the getDiagnosticFor
Verification failed. --------------------- Framework Diagnostic: --------------------- IsEqualTo failed. --> ObjectComparator failed. --> The objects are not equal using "isequaln". --> The DNA sequences have a Hamming distance of 2. The allowable distance is 1. Actual Value: DNA with properties: Sequence: 'ACCTGAGTA' Expected Value: DNA with properties: Sequence: 'ACCACAGTA' ------------------ Stack Information: ------------------ In C:\work\CreateCustomToleranceExample.m (CreateCustomToleranceExample) at 51
Verify that the DNA sequences are equal within a Hamming distance of 2
. The test passes.
Verification passed.
Version History
Introduced in R2013a
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