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NET Namespace

Summary of functions in MATLAB .NET interface


Use the following functions to bring assemblies from the Microsoft® .NET Framework into the MATLAB® environment. The functions are implemented as a namespace called NET. To use these functions, prefix the function name with NET.


NET.AssemblyMembers of .NET assembly
NET.GenericClassRepresent parameterized generic type definitions
NET.NetExceptionCapture error information for .NET exception


NET.addAssemblyMake .NET assembly visible to MATLAB
NET.isNETSupportedCheck for supported version of Microsoft .NET
NET.createArrayArray for nonprimitive .NET types
NET.createDictionaryGeneric .NET Dictionary
NET.disableAutoReleaseLock .NET object representing RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM wrapper)
NET.enableAutoReleaseUnlock .NET object representing RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM wrapper)
NET.setStaticPropertyStatic property or field name
BeginInvokeInitiate asynchronous .NET delegate call
EndInvokeRetrieve result of asynchronous call initiated by .NET System.Delegate BeginInvoke method
CombineConvenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Combine method
RemoveConvenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Remove method
RemoveAllConvenience function for static .NET System.Delegate RemoveAll method
bitnot.NET enumeration object bit-wise NOT instance method
NET.interfaceViewExplicit interface view of .NET object
NET.createGenericCreate instance of specialized .NET generic type
NET.invokeGenericMethodInvoke generic method of object
NET.convertArray(Not recommended) Convert numeric MATLAB array to .NET array

Version History

Introduced in R2009a

See Also

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