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Troubleshoot Writing Firmware to SD Card

In Write Firmware screen of the Hardware Setup for Raspberry Pi®, you may get ‘permission denied’ error while writing the firmware to SD card. To resolve this error in Linux® or Mac operating systems, make sure to delete the 'img_writer_log.txt' file present in 'temp' directory and retry the Write operation. You can find the ‘temp’ directory of your host machine by executing the command ‘tempdir’ in MATLAB® command prompt.

To resolve this issue in Windows® platform, delete 'img_writer_log.txt' and ‘sderr.txt’ present in the location, $SPKGROOTDIR/3P.instrset/raspbian.instrset where $SPKGROOTDIR is the path that you get by executing the command matlabshared.supportpkg.getSupportPackageRoot in the MATLAB command prompt.

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