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Fetch values of keys from cache


values = get(c,keys) fetches values of keys specified by keys from the cache specified by c. Values are returned in the same order as input variables as a cell array.



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Start a persistence service that uses Redis™ as the persistence provider. The service requires a connection name and an open port. Once the service is running, you can connect to the service using the connection name and create a cache.

ctrl = mps.cache.control('myRedisConnection','Redis','Port',4519);
c = mps.cache.connect('myCache', 'Connection', 'myRedisConnection');

Add keys and values to the cache.

put(c,'keyOne',10,'keyTwo',20,'keyThree',30,'keyFour',[400 500],'keyFive',magic(5))

Get all the keys and associated values and display them as a MATLAB® table.

k = keys(c)
v = get(c,{'keyOne','keyTwo','keyThree','keyFour','keyFive'})
tt = table(keys(c), get(c,keys(c))','VariableNames',{'Keys','Values'})
k =

  5×1 cell array

    {'keyFive' }
    {'keyFour' }
    {'keyOne'  }
    {'keyTwo'  }

v =

  1×5 cell array

    {[10]}    {[20]}    {[30]}    {1×2 double}    {5×5 double}

tt =

  5×2 table

       Keys          Values   
    __________    ____________

    'keyFive'     [5×5 double]
    'keyFour'     [1×2 double]
    'keyOne'      [        10]
    'keyThree'    [        30]
    'keyTwo'      [        20]

Input Arguments

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A data cache represented by a persistence provider specific data cache object.

Currently, Redis and MATLAB are the only supported persistence providers. Therefore, the cache objects will be of type mps.cache.RedisCache or mps.cache.MATFileCache.

Example: c

A cell array of keys whose values you want to retrieve from cache.

Example: {'keyOne','keyTwo','keyThree','keyFour','keyFive'}

Output Arguments

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A list of values associated with keys, returned as a cell array.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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