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Azure Deployment for MATLAB Production Server (PAYG)

To deploy your MATLAB® Production Server™ (PAYG) environment on Azure®, launch the MATLAB Production Server solution template from the Azure marketplace. After the deployment to Azure is complete, configure and manage MATLAB Production Server by logging in to the MATLAB Production Server (PAYG) dashboard.

For information about deploying MATLAB Production Server on Azure with a license, see Azure Deployment for MATLAB Production Server (BYOL).


You must have an Azure account to deploy resources on Azure and configure your server environment.

You are responsible for the cost of the Azure services and resources that the deployment uses.

Follow these steps to deploy your server environment on Azure.

  1. In the Azure marketplace, click Get It Now. Doing so launches the solution template where you provide values to configure your server environment.

  2. Provision Cloud Resources. Creating resources on Azure can take up to 30 minutes.

  3. Connect and Log In to Dashboard.

To run an application on MATLAB Production Server, you need to create the application using MATLAB Compiler SDK™. For more information, see Create Deployable Archive for MATLAB Production Server.

Provision Cloud Resources

You must have an Azure subscription before you can start deploying cloud resources for MATLAB Production Server on Azure. Launch the MATLAB Production Server solution template to configure and deploy cloud resources. The deployment process goes through the following steps. Click OK at the end of each step to proceed to the next step.


First, you must choose an Azure subscription, specify a resource group to hold the resources you provision, and specify a location to start your resources in.

Parameter NameValue
SubscriptionChoose an Azure subscription to use for purchasing resources.
Resource group

Choose a name for the resource group to hold the resources.

Creating a new resource group for each deployment is recommended. Doing so enables you to delete all the resources for each deployment easily.


Choose the region to start resources in.

Select a region that supports your requested virtual machine (VM) instance types. For a list of resources that are supported by region, see Products available by region.


Next, you configure the server VM and data persistence. Each MATLAB Production Server instance runs on a VM and each instance runs multiple MATLAB Production Server workers. To deploy a server instance, you must specify parameters for the VM, such as the size, number of VMs, and operating system.

Parameter NameValue
Server VM Size

Specify the size of the VM to use for the server.

It is recommended that you select a VM size where the number of vCPUs on your VM matches the number of MATLAB Production Server workers per VM that you plan on using. For example, if you select a D8s V3 VM which has 8 vCPUs, use 8 MATLAB Production Server workers. You can change the number of workers by updating the Number of Workers in the Settings tab in the MATLAB Production Server dashboard. For more information about the property, see num-workers.

The template defaults to Standard_D4s_v3. This configuration has 4 vCPUs and 16 GB of memory. For more information on Azure VMs, see Azure VM sizes.

Number of Server VMs

Specify the number of VMs to run MATLAB Production Server instances.

The deployment template sets the default to 2 VMs for load balancing.

You can change the number of VMs after the initial deployment. For more information, see Change the Number of Virtual Machines.

Server VM Operating System

Choose the server VM operating system.

Windows® (Windows Server®) and Linux® (Ubuntu®) are the only available options.

In most cases, choosing an operating system depends on your personal preference. Unless you add operating system-specific dependencies or content such as MEX files to your applications, the applications you deploy to the server do not depend on a specific operating system.

Create Redis™ Cache

Choose whether you want to create an Azure cache for Redis.

Creating this service allows you to use the persistence functionality of the server. Persistence provides a mechanism to cache data between calls to MATLAB code running on a server instance. For more information, see Data Caching Basics.

You can provision an Azure cache for Redis after the initial deployment. For setup instructions, see Azure documentation.

Dashboard Login

After you deploy the server VMs, you can manage the server using the MATLAB Production Server dashboard, which provides a web-based interface to configure and manage MATLAB Production Server in the cloud. Specify the login credentials for the dashboard.

Parameter NameValue
Admin Username

Specify the administrator user name to log in to the MATLAB Production Server dashboard.

Admin Password

Specify the administrator password to log in to the MATLAB Production Server dashboard.


You can specify which IP addresses can access the dashboard, whether your solution should use a public IP address, and configure a virtual network (VNet).

Parameter NameValue
Allow Connections from IP Address

Specify the IP address or a range of IP addresses that is permitted to connect to the dashboard that manages the server.

If you specify a range of IP addresses, use CIDR notation, which provides the IP address before the slash and mask after the slash. The mask determines the number of IP addresses to include. For example,

You can use a CIDR calculator to determine the CIDR notation for a range of IP addresses.

Make Solution Available over Internet

Make your solution available over the Internet by setting this parameter to Yes. This will use public IP addresses.

If you set this parameter to No, the ARM template does not assign a public IP address for the VM that hosts the dashboard. To access the dashboard, you can use a different VM located in the same virtual network as the VM that hosts the dashboard.

Virtual Network

Create a new VNet or choose an existing one.

The template defaults to a creating a new VNet with predefined values. These are the values that Azure defaults to while creating a new VNet. You can use the default values or enter new values based on your network setup.

The deployment opens the following ports when deploying in a new VNet. If you are using an existing VNet, you need to open the following ports.

  • 443 – Required for communicating with the dashboard and the MATLAB execution endpoint.

  • 8000, 8004, 880, 9090, and 9910 – Required for communication between the dashboard, MATLAB Production Server workers, and various microservices within the virtual network. These ports do not need to be accessible over the Internet.

  • 6520065535 – Required for the Azure application gateway health check to work. These ports need to be accessible over the Internet. For more information, see MSDN Community.

  • 22, 3389 – Required for Remote Desktop functionality for Windows or SSH for Linux respectively. You can use remote login functionality for troubleshooting and debugging. You can close these ports after deployment is complete.

First Subnet

Second Subnet

Specify the subnet name and subnet address prefix for a new or existing subnet.

The first subnet hosts the dashboard. The second subnet hosts the application gateway.

The template defaults to creating new subnets with predefined values. You can use the default values or enter new values based on your network setup.

SSL Certificate

In this section, you specify an SSL certificate for the Azure application gateway to use. The application gateway provides an HTTPS endpoint that you use to connect to server instances and the MATLAB Production Server dashboard.

Parameter NameValue
PFX CertificateUpload a PFX-formatted SSL certificate.
PFX Certificate PasswordIf the certificate requires a password, enter it here. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Connect and Log In to Dashboard

The MATLAB Production Server dashboard is a web-based interface to configure and manage MATLAB Production Server in the cloud.


The Internet Explorer® web browser is not supported for interacting with the dashboard.

Complete these steps only after you successfully create your resource group. If your solution uses private IP addresses, you can connect to the dashboard from a VM located in the same virtual network as the VM that hosts the dashboard.

  1. In the Azure portal, click Resource groups.

  2. Select the resource group that you created for this deployment.

  3. Select Deployments from the left pane. In the pane that opens, click Microsoft.Template.

  4. Select Outputs from the left pane.

  5. Copy the parameter value for dashboardURL and paste it in a browser.

  6. Use the administrator user name and password that you specified in the Dashboard Login step of the deployment process to log in.

Configuring role-based access control for the dashboard is recommended. MATLAB Production Server integrates with OAuth 2.0 providers such as Microsoft® Azure Active Directory, Google® Identity, and PingFederate® for providing role-based access control. Role-based access control lets you grant users the privileges to perform tasks on the dashboard and server, based on their role. For more information on how to configure role-based access control, see Dashboard Access Control.

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