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Run MATLAB Production Server on Kubernetes Using Containers

Deploy MATLAB® Production Server™ in a Kubernetes® cluster using Docker® containers and Helm® charts.


  • A MATLAB Production Server license that meets the following conditions:

    • Linked to a MathWorks Account.

    • Concurrent license type. To check your license type, view your MathWorks Account.

    • Configured to use a network license manager on the virtual network. The license manager must be accessible from the Kubernetes cluster where you deploy MATLAB Production Server but must not be installed in the cluster.

    If you do not have a MATLAB Production Server license, contact Sales to obtain one or to request a trial.

  • Network access to the MathWorks® container registry,

  • Git

  • Docker

  • A running Kubernetes cluster that meets the following conditions:

    • Uses Kubernetes version 1.24 or later.

    • Each MATLAB Production Server container in the Kubernetes cluster requires at least 1 CPU core and 2 GiB RAM.

  • kubectl command-line tool that can access your Kubernetes cluster

  • Helm package manager to install Helm charts that contain preconfigured Kubernetes resources for MATLAB Production Server

    • Uses Helm version v3.10.1 or later.

Run from GitHub

To launch MATLAB Production Server in Kubernetes, use the Helm charts and deployment instructions provided in the following GitHub® repository:

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