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Convert circular component representation of field to linear component representation


fv = circpol2pol(cfv) converts the circular polarization components of the field or fields contained in cfv to their linear polarization components contained in fv. Any polarized field can be expressed as a linear combination of horizontal and vertical components.



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Convert a horizontally polarized field, originally expressed in circular polarization components, into linear polarization components.

cfv = [1;1];
fv = circpol2pol(cfv)
fv = 2×1


The vertical component of the output is zero for horizontally polarized fields.

Create a right circularly polarized field. Compute the circular polarization ratio and convert to a linear polarization ratio equivalent. Note that the input circular polarization ratio is Inf.

cfv = [0;1];
q = cfv(2)/cfv(1);
p = circpol2pol(q)
p = 
0.0000 - 1.0000i

Input Arguments

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Field vector in its circular polarization representation specified as a 1-by-N complex row vector or a 2-by-N complex matrix. If cfv is a matrix, each column represents a field in the form of [El;Er], where El and Er are the left and right circular polarization components of the field. If cfv is a row vector, each column in cfv represents the polarization ratio, Er/El. For a row vector, the value Inf can designate the case when the ratio is computed for El = 0.

Example: [1;-1]

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Output Arguments

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Field vector in linear polarization representation or Jones vector returned as a 1-by-N complex-valued row vector or 2-by-N complex-valued matrix. fv has the same dimensions as cfv. If cfv is a matrix, each column of fv contains the horizontal and vertical linear polarization components of the field in the form, [Eh;Ev]. If cfv is a row vector, each entry in fv contains the linear polarization ratio, defined as Ev/Eh.


[1] Mott, H., Antennas for Radar and Communications, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

[2] Jackson, J.D. , Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, pp. 299–302

[3] Born, M. and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, 7th Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp 25–32.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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