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Generate MATLAB Code in Diagnostic Feature Designer

Generate MATLAB® code in the Diagnostic Feature Designer app that reproduces the computations for your selected features, processed variables, and ranking

The Diagnostic Feature Designer app lets you work with ensemble data interactively and experiment with various processing and feature options. Once you have determined which features work best, you can generate code that reproduces your computations. This code allows you to apply the same computations to new or expanded ensemble data. You can use this code directly, or modify the code to suit your application. You can also generate streaming code that can be converted to C/C++ code using MATLAB Coder™.


Diagnostic Feature DesignerInteractively extract, visualize, and rank features from measured or simulated data for machine diagnostics and prognostics


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workspaceEnsembleManage ensemble data stored in the MATLAB workspace using code generated by Diagnostic Feature Designer (Since R2020a)
findIndexFind the workspace ensemble member indices for members that match a specified variable name and value (Since R2020a)
readMemberReturn ensemble member data based on the member index (Since R2020a)
refreshUpdate a workspace ensemble with partitions of modified or added data computed in parallel processing (Since R2020a)
writeMemberWrite data to a specific workspace ensemble member (Since R2020a)
readallRead all data in datastore
readFeatureTableRead feature values, independent variables, and condition variables from an ensemble data set into a table (Since R2020a)
readMemberDataExtract data from an ensemble member given a path (Since R2020a)
resetReset datastore to initial state
uniqueUnique values
writeToLastMemberReadWrite data to member of an ensemble datastore
frameintervalsCreate frame intervals based on frame settings (Since R2020a)
joindataMerge two frame tables using an outer join (Since R2020a)
readFrameIntervalsExtract frame segments from an ensemble member (Since R2020a)
effectivefsEffective sampling rate of a time vector (Since R2020a)
time2numConvert duration or datetime array into numeric vector with the specified time unit (Since R2020a)


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