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Visualize workspace bounds, reference frame, and offset frame

Since R2021a


show(goalRegion) plots the position and orientation bounds of the workspace goal region. The function also displays the reference frame and end-effector offset frame.

Image of workspace goal region showing an XYZ reference frame, an offset pose, an XYZ bounding box, and Euler angle rotations. The last three elements are all relative to the original reference frame pose.


show(goalRegion,"Parent",axesHandle) specifies the parent axes on which to plot the workspace goal region.

ax = show(___) returns the axes handle that contains the workspace goal region plot using the input arguments from previous syntaxes.


collapse all

Specify a goal region in your workspace and plan a path within those bounds. The workspaceGoalRegion object defines the bounds on the xyz-position and zyx Euler orientation of the robot end effector. The manipulatorRRT object plans a path based on that goal region and samples random poses within the bounds.

Load an existing robot model as a rigidBodyTree object.

robot = loadrobot("kinovaGen3", "DataFormat", "row");
ax = show(robot);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 25 objects of type patch, line. These objects represent base_link, Shoulder_Link, HalfArm1_Link, HalfArm2_Link, ForeArm_Link, Wrist1_Link, Wrist2_Link, Bracelet_Link, EndEffector_Link, Shoulder_Link_mesh, HalfArm1_Link_mesh, HalfArm2_Link_mesh, ForeArm_Link_mesh, Wrist1_Link_mesh, Wrist2_Link_mesh, Bracelet_Link_mesh, base_link_mesh.

Create Path Planner

Create a rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) path planner for the robot. This example uses an empty environment, but this workflow also works well with cluttered environments. You can add collision objects to the environment like the collisionBox or collisionMesh object.

planner = manipulatorRRT(robot,{});

Define Goal Region

Create a workspace goal region using the end-effector body name of the robot.

Define the goal region parameters for your workspace. The goal region includes a reference pose, xyz-position bounds, and orientation limits on the zyx Euler angles. This example specifies bounds on the xy-plane in meters and allows rotation about the z-axis in radians.

goalRegion = workspaceGoalRegion(robot.BodyNames{end}); 
goalRegion.ReferencePose = trvec2tform([0.5 0.5 0.2]);
goalRegion.Bounds(1, :) = [-0.2 0.2];    % X Bounds
goalRegion.Bounds(2, :) = [-0.2 0.2];    % Y Bounds
goalRegion.Bounds(4, :) = [-pi/2 pi/2];  % Rotation about the Z-axis

You can also apply a fixed offset to all poses sampled within the region. This offset can account for grasping tools or variations in dimensions within your workspace. For this example, apply a fixed transformation that places the end effector 5 cm above the workspace.

goalRegion.EndEffectorOffsetPose = trvec2tform([0 0 0.05]);
hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 35 objects of type line, patch. These objects represent base_link, Shoulder_Link, HalfArm1_Link, HalfArm2_Link, ForeArm_Link, Wrist1_Link, Wrist2_Link, Bracelet_Link, EndEffector_Link, Shoulder_Link_mesh, HalfArm1_Link_mesh, HalfArm2_Link_mesh, ForeArm_Link_mesh, Wrist1_Link_mesh, Wrist2_Link_mesh, Bracelet_Link_mesh, base_link_mesh.

Plan Path To Goal Region

Plan a path to the goal region from the robot's home configuration. Due to the randomness in the RRT algorithm, this example sets the rng seed to ensure repeatable results.

path = plan(planner,homeConfiguration(robot),goalRegion);

Show the robot executing the path. To visualize a more realistic path, interpolate points between path configurations.

interpConfigurations = interpolate(planner,path,5);

for i = 1:size(interpConfigurations,1)
    set(ax,'ZLim',[-0.05 0.75],'YLim',[-0.05 1],'XLim',[-0.05 1],...
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 35 objects of type line, patch. These objects represent base_link, Shoulder_Link, HalfArm1_Link, HalfArm2_Link, ForeArm_Link, Wrist1_Link, Wrist2_Link, Bracelet_Link, EndEffector_Link, Shoulder_Link_mesh, HalfArm1_Link_mesh, HalfArm2_Link_mesh, ForeArm_Link_mesh, Wrist1_Link_mesh, Wrist2_Link_mesh, Bracelet_Link_mesh, base_link_mesh.

Adjust End-Effector Pose

Notice that the robot arm approaches the workspace from the bottom. To flip the orientation of the final position, add a pi rotation to the Y-axis for the reference pose.

goalRegion.EndEffectorOffsetPose = ... 
    goalRegion.EndEffectorOffsetPose*eul2tform([0 pi 0],"ZYX");

Replan the path and visualize the robot motion again. The robot now approaches from the top.

hold on
path = plan(planner,homeConfiguration(robot),goalRegion);

interpConfigurations = interpolate(planner,path,5);

for i = 1 : size(interpConfigurations,1)
    show(robot, interpConfigurations(i, :),"PreservePlot",false);
    set(ax,'ZLim',[-0.05 0.75],'YLim',[-0.05 1],'XLim',[-0.05 1])
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 45 objects of type line, patch. These objects represent base_link, Shoulder_Link, HalfArm1_Link, HalfArm2_Link, ForeArm_Link, Wrist1_Link, Wrist2_Link, Bracelet_Link, EndEffector_Link, Shoulder_Link_mesh, HalfArm1_Link_mesh, HalfArm2_Link_mesh, ForeArm_Link_mesh, Wrist1_Link_mesh, Wrist2_Link_mesh, Bracelet_Link_mesh, base_link_mesh.

Input Arguments

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Workspace goal region, specified as a workspaceGoalRegion object.

Output Arguments

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Axes that contains the workspace goal region, returned as an axes object.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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