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Format Tables

You can use mlreportgen.dom.Table, mlreportgen.dom.FormalTable, mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable, or objects to create a table in a report. See Choose Type of Table to Create. You can format any of these types of tables or the elements (section, row, column group, or entry) of the tables by using these approaches:

  • Format the content before you create a table. For example, format numbers in MATLAB® before you use them to create a table. See Format Numbers in Tables.

  • Format DOM objects before you create a table from them. For example, format an mlreportgen.dom.Paragraph object before you use it to create a table entry.

  • Modify the default template style or create a custom template style for a table or table element. See Format Tables Using Template-Defined Styles.

  • Override template styles by using format properties and format objects with the object that represents a table or table element. See Format Tables Programmatically.

For information specific to formatting a MATLABTable table, see Create Tables from MATLAB Tables. For information specific to formatting a BaseTable table, see Create Report API Base Tables.

For a table object, table element object, or object contained in a table element object, a format specified by a format property or format object overrides the equivalent format specified by a template-based style. A format specified for an object overrides the equivalent format specified by the container object. For example, if a table entry contains an mlreportgen.dom.Paragraph object, the text color specified for the Paragraph object overrides the color specified for the row that contains it. The row color overrides the color specified for the table that contains the row. See Format Inheritance.

Format Tables Using Template-Defined Styles

Tables and table elements have a default, template-defined style. Consider customizing a template-defined style if the customization applies to multiple tables and you are comfortable working with styles in Microsoft® Word or editing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for HTML or PDF reports.

Create a Word Table Style

You can format a table by applying a custom Microsoft Word style to the table. If you apply a table style to one or more sections of a Word formal table, specify the widths of each of the table columns. Otherwise, the columns of the sections might not line up.

To define a table style in a Word style sheet:

  1. Create a Microsoft Word template. For information about creating a Microsoft Word template, see Create Microsoft Word Templates.

  2. Open the Word template file by using one of these methods:

    • In MATLAB, in the Current Folder pane, right-click the template file and click Open Outside MATLAB.

    • Outside of MATLAB, right-click the file and click Open.


      Do not double-click a Word template file to open it. Double-clicking the file opens a Word document file that uses the template.

  3. In Word,on the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Styles icon .

  4. Click the Manage Styles button .

  5. Click New Style.

  6. In the Create New Style from Formatting dialog box:

    • Specify the Name.

    • Set Style type to Table.

    • In Style based on, select the base style for your new style.

    • In the Formatting section, specify the formatting and which parts of the table the formatting applies to.

  7. Select New documents based on this template and then click OK.

  8. In the Manage Styles dialog box, select New documents based on this template and then click OK.

  9. Save the template.

For an example of formatting using a Word template, see Create a Zebra-Striped Table.

Create an HTML or PDF Table Style

You can format HTML and PDF tables by using a CSS style defined in a template. To create an HTML or PDF template, see Create HTML and PDF Templates.

To define a table style in an HTML or PDF template, use a table selector with a class name. For example, this CSS code specifies the style for tables with class MyTable.

table.MyTable {
  border-style: solid;
  border-bottom-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);
  border-bottom-width: thin;
  border-collapse: collapse;

You can use the CSS descendant selector (space) or child selector (>) to specify the format of descendants or children of a table. For example, this CSS code specifies the format of the table entries (td elements) of a table whose style is MyTable.

table.MyTable td { 
      font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 
      font-size: 11pt; 
      text-align: center; 

See Modify Styles in HTML Templates and Modify Styles in PDF Templates.

For information about editing CSS, see documentation such as

For an example of formatting using an HTML template, see Create a Zebra-Striped Table.

Apply a Style to a Table or Table Element

Once you have defined a style in a template, you can apply it to the object that represents a table or table element in your report program. Provide the style as an argument to the object constructor or assign it to the StyleName property of the object. You can apply a style to the header, body, or footer section of an mlreportgen.dom.FormalTable or mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable object by assigning the style to the StyleName property of the mlreportgen.dom.TableHeader, mlreportgen.dom.TableBody, or mlreportgen.dom.TableEntry object.

For example, suppose that you defined styles named BodyPara, TableTitle, and RuledTable in the template for your report. This example specifies style names in a Paragraph constructor, in the StyleName property of a Paragraph object, and in a Table constructor.

import mlreportgen.dom.*;
rank = 5;
rpt = Document('MyReport','html','MyTemplate');

p = Paragraph('Here is a magic square or rank 5:','BodyPara');

p = Paragraph(sprintf('Rank %d MagicSquare',rank));
p.StyleName = 'TableTitle';



You can use programmatic formats to override the styles defined in a template-based table style. For example, suppose that you define a table style named UnruledTable in your template to create tables without borders or column or row separators. You can then override the style in your report program to draw a frame around a table.

import mlreportgen.dom.*;
rpt = Document('MyReport','html','MyTemplate');

table = Table(magic(5),'UnruledTable');
table.Border = 'single';


For more information about programmatic formatting, see Format Tables Programmatically.

Format Table Entries Using Style Sheets

For HTML and PDF reports, you can use styles defined in an HTML template style sheet to format table entries. When defining a table entry style, use a td element selector. For example:

td.TableEntryWithBorder {
  border:5px solid red;

To apply a template-defined style to a table entry, set the TableEntry object StyleName property to the name of the style or specify the style name as the second argument to the TableEntry constructor. For example:

te = TableEntry('Hello World','TableEntryWithBorder');

Format Tables Programmatically

If you are not comfortable editing CSS or you want to override the default table style for only a few tables or table elements, you can format tables and table elements programmatically. Use one of these approaches:

  • Set the format properties of the object that represents the table or table element.

  • Add format objects to the Style property of the object that represents the table or table element. Add format objects by concatenating the existing value of the Style property with a cell array that contains the new format objects. For example:

    table.Style = [table.Style {Border('solid','black','3px')}];

Here are some of the format objects and corresponding format properties that apply to mlreportgen.dom.Table, mlreportgen.dom.FormalTable, and mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable objects.

FormattingFormat ObjectFormat Property

Width of table



Color of table background



Specify border around table



Color of border



Thickness of border



Specify left, right, top, or bottom table border



Collapse table and table entry borders (HTML reports only)



Specify column separator



Column separator color



Column separator thickness



Specify row separator



Row separator color



Row separator thickness



Indent table from left margin



Space before or after table



Space to right of table



Align table left, right, or center



Specify table entry flow direction (left-to-right or right-to-left)



Resize table columns to fit contents



You can use other format objects that apply to the objects that the table contains. The DOM API ignores format objects that do not apply to a particular object.

Format an Informal Table Programmatically

For formatting that applies to an entire table, use format properties and objects with the object that represents the entire table. This example uses format objects to specify the table border and the row and column separators. It uses a format property to specify the background color.

Table using format objects that specify table color and row and column separators, as well as background color

import mlreportgen.dom.*
d = Document('test','html');

table = Table(magic(5));
table.Style = [table.Style {Border('inset','red','3px'), ...
               ColSep('single','black','1px'), ...

table.BackgroundColor = 'lightsteelblue';

append(d, table);


Format Formal or MATLAB Tables Programmatically

You can use format properties and objects to format mlreportgen.dom.FormalTable and mlreportgen.dom.MATLABTable objects. If you specify a format for the table and one of its sections, the value you specify for the section overrides the value for the table as a whole. Not all formal table formats apply to formal table sections. For example, the OuterLeftMargin property does not apply to formal table sections. You cannot indent a header, body, or footer section independently of the table that contains it.

Format Table Entries

To access a table entry for formatting, you can use the entry method of an mlreportgen.dom.Table, mlreportgen.dom.TableHeader, mlreportgen.dom.TableBody, or mlreportgen.dom.TableFooterobject.

The entry method returns an mlreportgen.dom.TableEntry or mlreportgen.dom.TableHeaderEntry object. To format the entry, you can use these TableEntry format properties or objects.

FormattingFormat ObjectFormat Property

Create border around entry



Color of border



Thickness of border



Create left, right, top, or bottom entry border



Align entry content to top, bottom, or middle



Space between entry boundary and entry content



Space between entry content and its top, bottom, right, or left boundaries



Cause entries to span multiple columns



Cause entry to span multiple rows



You can use other format objects that apply to the objects that the table entry contains. The DOM API ignores format objects that do not apply to a particular object.

This example creates a table from the output of the magic function and makes the maximum number of the table red.

5-by-5 table of numbers. The entry in row five, column three is 25 and red.

import mlreportgen.dom.*;

d = Document('test','pdf');

m = magic(5);
[v,i] = max(m);
[v1,i1] = max(max(m));
t = Table(m);
t.Border = 'single';
t.ColSep = 'single';
t.RowSep = 'single';

t.TableEntriesInnerMargin = '2pt';
t.TableEntriesHAlign = 'right';

maxnum = entry(t,i(i1),i1);
maxnum.Children(1).Color = 'Red';



Format All Table Entries

To specify the same format or set of formats for all of the entries of a DOM table or a section of a DOM table, you can use these properties:

  • TableEntriesValign

  • TableEntriesHalign

  • TableEntriesInnerMargin

  • TableEntriesStyle

This example creates a table from a MATLAB table. The example:

  • Makes all table body entries blue by adding a format object to the TableEntriesStyle property

  • Centers all of the table body entries by setting the TableEntriesHalign property

Table with three columns: Age, Weight, and Height. Each column has five rows. The numbers are blue.

import mlreportgen.dom.*
d = Document('outermargin','docx');

import mlreportgen.dom.*
d = Document('myMATLABTable','pdf');

Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Height = [71;69;64;67;64];
Weight = [176;163;131;133;119];
mltable = table(Age,Weight,Height);

mltableObj = MATLABTable(mltable);
tbodyObj = mltableObj.Body;
tbodyObj.TableEntriesStyle = {Color('blue')};
tbODYObj.TableEntriesHAlign = 'center';



Format Table Rows

To access a table row for formatting, you can use the row method of an mlreportgen.dom.Table, mlreportgen.dom.TableHeader, mlreportgen.dom.TableBody, or mlreportgen.dom.TableFooter object.

The row method returns an mlreportgen.dom.TableRow object. To format the row, you can use these TableRow format properties or objects.

FormattingFormat ObjectFormat Property

Specify the exact height of a row



Specify the minimum height of a row (Word reports only)



Cause this row to repeat as header row when a table flows across pages



Allow this row to straddle a page boundary



You can use other format objects that apply to the objects that the row contains. The DOM API ignores format objects that do not apply to a particular object.

This example creates a table from the output of the magic function and makes the content of the first row red.

A 5-by-5 table of numbers. The first row is red and the other rows are black.

import mlreportgen.dom.*;

d = Document('test','pdf');

m = magic(5);
[v,i] = max(m);
[v1,i1] = max(max(m));
t = Table(m);
t.Border = 'single';
t.ColSep = 'single';
t.RowSep = 'single';

t.TableEntriesInnerMargin = '2pt';
t.TableEntriesHAlign = 'right';

r = row(t,1);
r.Style = [r.Style {Color('red')}];

Format Table Columns

To specify the format of a group of adjacent table columns, use an mlreportgen.dom.TableColSpecGroup object. To override the formats of a column group for some columns, use an mlreportgen.dom.TableColSpec object.

In this example, the TableColSpecGroup object specifies green text. The TableColSpec object overrides the formats for the first column, specifying bold, red text.

A 5-by-5 table of numbers. The first column is red. The other columns are green.

import mlreportgen.dom.*
rpt = Document('test','pdf');

rank = 5;
t = Table(magic(rank));
t.Border = 'single';
t.ColSep = 'single';
t.RowSep = 'single';
t.TableEntriesInnerMargin = '2pt';
t.TableEntriesHAlign = 'right';

%Specify the formats for all columns
grps(1) = TableColSpecGroup;
grps(1).Span = rank;
grps(1).Style = {Color('green')};

%Specify the formats for the first column
specs(1) = TableColSpec;
specs(1).Span = 1;
specs(1).Style = {Bold(true),Color('red')};

grps(1).ColSpecs = specs;

t.ColSpecGroups = grps;


To resize columns to fit the widest content of the table entries in a column, include a ResizeToFitContents object in the Style property of the table.

See Also

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