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Property Table Components

About Property Table Components

Property Table components display property name/property value pairs for objects in tables. The following example shows a property table from the figloop-tutorial report.

Membrane Data plot with property table displaying beneath the plot

Many types of property table components are available, including:

  • MATLAB® Property Table

  • Simulink® Property Table (requires Simulink Report Generator™)

  • Stateflow® Property Table (requires Simulink Report Generator)

The component used in this example represents MATLAB Report Generator property table components, all of which exhibit similar behavior.

Open the Example Report Template

This example uses the figloop-tutorial report template. To open the figure loop tutorial report template, at the MATLAB command line enter:

  1. Run the following command to access the supporting files used in this example.

  2. At the MATLAB command prompt, enter:

    setedit figloop-tutorial

Examine the Property Table Output

Property pages for all property table components are similar in form. In the Outline pane, select the Figure Prop Table component. To modify table settings, in the Handle Graphics® Property Table dialog box, click the Edit... button.

Handle Graphics Property Table dialog box

Select Object Types

Property table components offer multiple object types on which to report. For example, the Handle Graphics Property Table lets you report on a figure, an axes object, or a Handle Graphics object.

You can select a different object type on which to report in the Object type list in the Properties pane for the component.

Display Property Name/Property Value Pairs

Split Property/Value Cells

  1. In the Properties pane for the Handle Graphics Property Table component, clear the Split property/value cells check box.

  2. Click Edit. The table is now in non-split mode. Non-split mode supports more than one property name/property value pair per cell and text.

    Properties pane for Handle Graphics Property Table component with the Split property/value cells box selected. Property names appear on the left of the table and property values appear on the right.

  3. For the property name and property value to appear in adjacent horizontal cells in the table, select the Split property/value cells check box. The table is now in split mode. Split mode supports only one property name/property value pair per cell. If more than one property pair appears in a cell, only the first pair appears in the report; all subsequent pairs are ignored.

    Properties pane for Handle Graphics Property Table component with the Split property/value cells box selected. Property names appear on the left of the table and property values appear on the right.

Display Options

Property name/property value pairs can appear in cells in several ways. To specify how a given property name/property value pair appears in a cell, select that field in the table (for this tutorial, select the Name property). Choose Value from the display options drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog box. In the selected table row, only the value appears.

Properties pane for Handle Graphics Property Table component with Children selected in the list of Main Properties and Value selected in the drop-down at the bottom of the window

Format Options

To specify alignment for text in a given cell, in the toolbar at the bottom of the dialog box use the four justification buttons.

Select the HandleVisibility table row. Then select the double-justify button (the last button to the right).

Properties pane for Handle Graphics Property Table component with the row containing HandleVisibility double-justified, and the double-justify button selected on the right side of the tool panel at the bottom of the window

Edit Table Titles

Table titles can contain properties and text. By default, the title of a table is the same as the value of the %<Name> property. You can modify this property to modify the table title.


Table titles are always in non-split mode.

Enter Text into Table Cells

For the text to be visible, the table must be in non-split mode. Clear Split property/value cells.

To enter text into the HandleVisibility table cell, double-click the cell. A gray box appears with the label for the cell property.

Properties pane for Handle Graphics Property Table component with the row containing HandleVisibility selected to enter text by double-clicking

If you type text outside the angle brackets, the text appears as is in the report. Text inside the angle brackets must specify a valid property name. If you enter an invalid property name, the property name appears in the report without a property value.

Add, Replace, and Delete Properties in Tables

Adding Table Properties

To add a Handle Graphics property to a table, use the following steps.

  1. In the Figure Property Table window, select a table row above which you want add a new property.

  2. Click the Add Row Above Current Cell Add Row Above Current Cell icon button

    A new row appears above the current row.

  3. Add the property to the new table row.

    1. Select the new table row.

    2. In the Properties Type drop-down list at the upper-right of the dialog box, select a property type.

    3. In the Properties list, select the property you want to add.

    4. Click the << Add button, or double-click the property name. The property appears in the table row.

    Alternatively, if you know the name of the property you want to add, enter the property name directly into the cell as described in Enter Text into Table Cells. For information about adding new table rows, see Add and Delete Columns and Rows.

Replace Table Properties

To replace a property in a cell of a table in split mode, follow the instructions in Adding Table Properties.


You cannot use these steps to delete a property in a cell when the table is in non-split mode.

Delete Table Properties

Delete a property by backspacing over it or using the Delete key.

Format Table Columns, Rows, and Cells

Add and Delete Columns and Rows

To add or delete a column or row, select a cell and then click one of the buttons described in the following table.


You cannot delete a row or column when it is the only row or column in the table.



Add column (added to the left of the selected column)

Delete selected column

Add row (added above the selected row)

Delete selected row

Resize Columns

To resize the width of a column, click and drag its vertical borders as needed.

Merge and Split Cells

To merge or split table cells, select a row and then click one of the buttons described in the following table.



Merge cells downward

Merge cells to the right

Split cells

Display or Hide Cell Borders

To toggle cell borders on and off:

  1. Place your cursor in a cell and right-click to invoke its context menu.

  2. Choose Cell borders > Top, Bottom, Right, or Left to toggle the specified border on or off.

Zoom and Scroll

You can zoom in and out of the table with the zoom buttons, which are located to the left of the horizontal scroll bar.



Zoom in

Zoom out

You can scroll vertically and horizontally using the table scroll bars.

Select a Table

To display property name/property value pairs, you can select a preset table or use a custom table.

  • A preset table is built-in and formatted. You can select a preset table in the preset table selection list in the upper-left of the Figure Prop Table window. To apply a preset table, select the table and click Apply.

  • To create a custom table, select a preset table and modify it to fit your needs by adding and/or deleting rows and properties. You may want to start with the Blank 4x4 preset table.


    You cannot save a custom table as a preset table. If you do so, you lose all changes to the custom table.

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