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Convert DocBook XML files generated by Report Explorer to formatted reports


rptconvert opens the DocBook XML converter in the Report Explorer.

formatList = rptconvert("-domformatlist") returns a list of valid DOM formats.

templateList = rptconvert("-templatelist",domFormat) returns a list of valid templates for the specified DOM format.

templateList = rptconvert("-templatelist") returns a list of all valid template identifiers and descriptions.

formatList = rptconvert("-formatlist") returns a table of valid legacy formats that are not DOM formats.

stylesheetList = rptconvert("-stylesheetlist",legacyFormat) returns a list of valid style sheets for the specified legacy formats that are not DOM formats.


stylesheetList = rptconvert("-stylesheetlist") returns a list of all valid style sheet identifiers and descriptions.

rptPath = rptconvert(srcDocBook) converts the specified DocBook XML file, generated by the Report Explorer, to a report in the default format, HTML.

rptPath = rptconvert(srcDocBook,outFormat) converts the DocBook to the specified format with the default style sheet or default template of outFormat.

rptPath = rptconvert(srcDocBook,outFormat,outTemplate) uses the specific template of outFormat.

rptPath = rptconvert(srcDocBook,outFormat,outStylesheet) uses the specific style sheet of outFormat.

___ = rptconvert(___,addOpts) specifies additional options for the function.


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Retrieve a list of available HTML style sheets:


Input Arguments

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DOM format for which to retrieve the template list, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Legacy formats do not have templates. All DOM formats have templates.

Legacy format for which to retrieve the style sheet list, specified as a character vector or string scalar. All legacy formats except db have style sheets. DOM formats do not have style sheets.

Name or path of the DocBook to convert, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Target output report format, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Target output format template, specified as a character vector or string scalar. outTemplate must be a valid template of outFormat.


Legacy formats do not have templates. All DOM formats have templates.

Target output format style sheet, specified as a character vector or string scalar. outStylesheet must be a valid template of outFormat.


DOM formats do not have style sheets. All other formats, except db, have style sheets.

One or more additional options to control the running of the function, specified as these values.


Displays the converted document


Suppresses status messages


Shows detailed status messages

Output Arguments

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List of valid formats, returned as a two-column cell matrix of format identifiers and descriptions.

List of valid templates, returned as a two-column cell matrix of template identifiers and descriptions.

List of valid style sheets, returned as a two-column cell matrix of style sheet identifiers and descriptions.

Full path of the generated report file, returned as a character vector.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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