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Create Custom CMake Toolchain Definition

CMake is a third-party, open-source tool for build process management. To build code generated from Simulink® models, the software provides CMake toolchain definitions that you can select from the Toolchain drop-down list. You can also create custom CMake toolchain definitions by using the target namespace. When you add a custom CMake toolchain definition to an internal database, the toolchain is available for building generated code. This example shows how you can create a CMake toolchain definition using the Ninja generator. You can use the toolchain definition on computers with these operating systems:

  • Windows® (provided MATLAB® Support for MinGW®-w64 C/C++ Compiler is installed).

  • Linux®

  • Mac

Create a target.Toolchain object.

tc = target.create('Toolchain', 'Name', 'Example Custom CMake Toolchain');

Use the Builder property and target.CMakeBuilder object to configure how CMake builds generated code.

tc.Builder = target.create('CMakeBuilder');
tc.Builder.Generator = 'Ninja';
tc.Builder.ToolchainFile = fullfile(pwd, 'ExampleCMakeToolchain.cmake');
tc.Builder.SupportedBuildTypes(end+1) = ...
   target.create('CMakeBuildType', ...
   'Name', 'FastMath', ...
   'GeneratesDebugSymbols', false, ...
   'DebugBuildType', 'FastMathWithDebug');
tc.Builder.SupportedBuildTypes(end+1) = ...
   target.create('CMakeBuildType', ...
   'Name', 'FastMathWithDebug', ...
   'GeneratesDebugSymbols', true);

Using an editor, create ExampleCMakeToolchain.cmake, a file that contains these lines.

# Example CMake toolchain

# Configure to use GCC

# Add some custom build configurations:  FastMath, and FastMathWithDebug
For information about CMake toolchain files, see

Use the first element of the EnvironmentConfiguration property to provide system environment setup commands and paths for the Windows operating system.

tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(1).HostOperatingSystemSupport.Linux = false;
tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(1).HostOperatingSystemSupport.Windows = true;
tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(1).HostOperatingSystemSupport.Mac = false;
tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(1).SystemPaths = ...
  {'$(MW_MINGW64_LOC)/bin', '$(MATLAB_ROOT)/toolbox/shared/coder/ninja/$(ARCH)'};

Use the second element of the EnvironmentConfiguration property to provide system environment setup commands and paths for Linux and Mac operating systems.

tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(2) = target.create('EnvironmentConfiguration');
tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(2).HostOperatingSystemSupport.Linux = true;
tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(2).HostOperatingSystemSupport.Windows = false;
tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(2).HostOperatingSystemSupport.Mac = true;
tc.EnvironmentConfiguration(2).SystemPaths = ...

By default, the software uses the CMake executable file that ships with MATLAB. To specify another version of CMake, you can create a target.CMake object that provides the required path.

Optionally, associate the toolchain definition with your target devices, for example:

windowsProc = target.get('Processor', 'Intel-x86-64 (Windows64)');
tc.SupportedHardware(end+1) = ...
  target.create('HardwareComponentSupport', 'Component', windowsProc);

linuxProc = target.get('Processor', 'Intel-x86-64 (Linux 64)');
tc.SupportedHardware(end+1) = ...
  target.create('HardwareComponentSupport', 'Component', linuxProc);

macProc = target.get('Processor', 'Intel-x86-64 (Mac OS X)');
tc.SupportedHardware(end+1) = ...
  target.create('HardwareComponentSupport', 'Component', macProc);

Add the toolchain definition to the internal database:


To use the custom toolchain definition for building generated code, in the Configuration Parameters dialog box:

  1. On the Hardware Implementation pane, select your target device by setting Device vendor to Intel and Device type to x86-64 (Windows64).

  2. On the Code Generation pane, from the Toolchain list, select Example Custom CMake Toolchain. The Build configuration list contains these values:

    • Release

    • Debug

    • RelWithDebInfo

    • MinSizeRel

    • FastMath

    • FastMathWithDebug

    • Specify

  3. Under Advanced parameters, click Validate Toolchain, which generates a validation report.

When you run, for example, the slbuild function or a software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation, the build process uses the custom toolchain to build generated code.

If you want to remove the custom toolchain definition from the internal database, run:

customToolChainDef = target.get('Toolchain', 'Example Custom CMake Toolchain');
target.remove summary:

    Objects removed from internal database:
        target.Toolchain    "Example Custom CMake Toolchain"

See Also

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