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CCSDS TC configuration parameters

Since R2021a


    The ccsdsTCConfig object creates a configuration object for Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Telecommand (TC) using default and specified values. ccsdsTCConfig object is configurable by using applicable Properties.



    cfg = ccsdsTCConfig creates a CCSDS TC configuration object using default properties.


    cfg = ccsdsTCConfig(Name,Value) sets Properties using one or more name-value pairs. Enclose each property name in quotes. For example, ccsdsTCConfig('DataFormat','CLTU','Modulation','BPSK') configures the CSSDS TC configuration object with a communications link transmission unit data format and binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation scheme.



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    Data formats used by physical layer operation procedures (PLOPs), specified as one of these options.

    • "CLTU" — Communications link transmission unit (CLTU)

    • "acquisition sequence"

    • "idle sequence"

    Data Types: char | string

    Forward error correction coding, specified as one of these options.

    • "BCH" — Bose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH)

    • "LDPC" — Low-density parity–check (LDPC)


    To enable this property, set the DataFormat property to "CLTU".

    Data Types: char | string

    LDPC codeword length, specified as 128 or 512.


    To enable this property, set the ChannelCoding property to "LDPC".

    Data Types: double

    Flag to indicate randomization on the bits in CLTU and on the fill data added prior to randomization, specified as a logical value of 1 (true) or 0 (false). To indicate the presence of a randomizer in the waveform, set this value to 1 (true).


    To enable this property, set the ChannelCoding property to "BCH".

    Data Types: logical

    Flag to indicate the tail sequence in CLTU, specified as a logical value of 1 (true) or 0 (false). To indicate the presence of the tail sequence to delimit the end of a CLTU, set this value to 1 (true).


    To enable this property, set the ChannelCoding property to "LDPC" and the LDPCCodewordLength property to 128.

    Data Types: logical

    Modulation scheme used to generate the CCSDS TC waveform, in the form of baseband in-phase quadrature (IQ) samples, specified as one of these options.

    • "PCM/PSK/PM" — The line coded signal as per the pulse code modulation (PCM) format is phase shift keying (PSK) modulated on a sine wave subcarrier and then phase modulated (PM) on a residual carrier.

    • "PCM/PM/biphase-L" — The biphase-L (Manchester) encoded data is phase modulated on a residual carrier.

    • "BPSK" — Suppressed carrier modulation by using non-return-to-zero (NRZ) data on the carrier.

    For more details on these modulation schemes, see [3].

    Data Types: char | string

    Pulse code modulation (PCM) format, specified as one of these options. This property specifies the PCM coding in the CCSDS TC waveform.

    • "NRZ-L" — NRZ-level

    • "NRZ-M" — NRZ-mark


    To enable this property, set the Modulation property to "PCM/PSK/PM".

    Data Types: char | string

    Modulation index in the residual carrier phase modulation, specified as a scalar in the range [0.2, 2]. Units are in radians.


    To enable this property, set the Modulation property to "PCM/PSK/PM" or "PCM/PM/biphase-L".

    Data Types: double

    Sine wave subcarrier frequency in Hertz, specified as 16000 or 8000. The subcarrier waveform is used to PSK-modulate the NRZ data on the residual RF carrier.


    To enable this property, set the Modulation property to "PCM/PSK/PM".

    Data Types: double

    Symbol rate in coded symbols per second, specified as one of these options.

    • 4000

    • 2000

    • 1000

    • 500

    • 250

    • 125

    • 62.5

    • 31.25

    • 15.625

    • 7.8125


    If you set SymbolRate to 4000 coded symbols per second, you must set the SubcarrierFrequency property to 16000.


    To enable this property, set the Modulation property to "PCM/PSK/PM".

    Data Types: double

    Number of samples per symbol, specified as a positive integer.


    To enable this property, set the Modulation property to "PCM/PSK/PM" or "PCM/PM/biphase-L".

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Waveform used to PSK-modulate the NRZ data, returned as "sine". CCSDS TC supports only sine-wave subcarriers.


    To enable this property, set the Modulation property to "PCM/PSK/PM".

    Data Types: char | string

    Object Functions

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    ccsdsTCWaveformGenerate CCSDS TC waveform


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    Create a Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Telecommand (TC) configuration object. Specify the properties of the object.

    cfg = ccsdsTCConfig;
    cfg.ChannelCoding = "LDPC";
    cfg.HasTailSequence = false;
    cfg.PCMFormat = "NRZ-M";

    Display the properties of the CCSDS TC object.

      ccsdsTCConfig with properties:
                 DataFormat: "CLTU"
              ChannelCoding: "LDPC"
         LDPCCodewordLength: 128
            HasTailSequence: 0
                 Modulation: "PCM/PSK/PM"
                  PCMFormat: "NRZ-M"
            ModulationIndex: 0.4000
        SubcarrierFrequency: 16000
                 SymbolRate: 4000
           SamplesPerSymbol: 10
       Read-only properties:
         SubcarrierWaveform: "sine"

    Create a Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Telecommand (TC) time-domain waveform for multiple communications link transmission units (CLTUs).

    Create a default CCSDS TC configuration object.

    cfg = ccsdsTCConfig;
      ccsdsTCConfig with properties:
                 DataFormat: "CLTU"
              ChannelCoding: "BCH"
              HasRandomizer: 1
                 Modulation: "PCM/PSK/PM"
                  PCMFormat: "NRZ-L"
            ModulationIndex: 0.4000
        SubcarrierFrequency: 16000
                 SymbolRate: 4000
           SamplesPerSymbol: 10
       Read-only properties:
         SubcarrierWaveform: "sine"

    Specify the number of CLTUs and the transfer frame length.

    numCLTUs = 10;
    transferFramesLength = 8; % Number of octets in each transfer frame

    Generate the CCSDS TC time-domain waveform for the transfer frames.

    c = cell(1,numCLTUs); % Cell array to store the generated waveform for all CLTUs
    for k=1:numCLTUs
        bits = randi([0 1],8*transferFramesLength,1); % Bits in the TC transfer frame
        waveform = ccsdsTCWaveform(bits,cfg);
        c{1,k} = waveform; % Waveform for each CLTU

    Create a spectrum analyzer System object to display the frequency spectrum of the generated CCSDS TC time-domain waveform from the last CLTU.

    scope = spectrumAnalyzer;
    scope.SampleRate = cfg.SamplesPerSymbol*cfg.SymbolRate;
    scope(waveform)  % Last CLTU spectrum display


    [1] CCSDS 231.0-B-3. Blue Book. Issue 3. "TC Synchronization and Channel Coding." Recommendation for Space Data System Standards. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, September 2017.

    [2] CCSDS 401.0-B-29. Blue Book. Issue 29. "Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems - Part 1". Earth Stations and Spacecraft. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, September 2019.

    [3] Nguyen, T.M., W.L. Martin, and Hen-Geul Yeh. "Required Bandwidth, Unwanted Emission, and Data Power Efficiency for Residual and Suppressed Carrier Systems - a Comparative Study." IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility 37, no. 1 (February 1995): 34-50.

    Extended Capabilities

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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