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RF Propagation and Channel Models

Atmospheric loss and fading channel models

RF path propagation modeling describes the behavior of electromagnetic radiation from a point of transmission as the signal travels through the surrounding environment. Model RF propagation paths to calculate signal propagation through atmospheric gases, rain, fog and clouds, and tropospheric scintillation. You can also calculate outage probability due to rain attenuation with site diversity.

Channel modeling describes the over-the-air environment in communications system links. Analysis of propagation and channel modelling is essential in understanding how electromagnetic waves incur losses from a transmitter to a receiver in different scenarios. Model and visualize noisy single input single output (SISO) channels that have Rician or Land Mobile Satellite (LMS) fading profiles.


dopplerShiftCircularOrbitCalculate Doppler shift at ground station due to circularly orbiting satellite (Since R2024a)
p618PropagationLossesCalculate Earth-space propagation losses, cross-polarization discrimination, and sky noise temperature (Since R2021a)
p618SiteDiversityOutageCalculate outage probability due to rain attenuation with site diversity (Since R2021a)
satelliteCNRCarrier-to-noise ratio for configured satellite link budget parameters (Since R2022b)
slantRangeCircularOrbitCalculate slant range or distance between circularly orbiting satellite and ground station (Since R2024a)


etsiRicianChannelFilter input signal through multipath ETSI frequency-flat Rician fading channel (Since R2021a)
lutzLMSChannelFilter input signal through Lutz LMS frequency-flat fading channel (Since R2022b)
dsocPoissonChannelCreate a deep space optical communications Poisson channel (Since R2023a)
dsocWebbGaussianChannelCreate deep space optical communications Webb Gaussian or Gaussian channel (Since R2024b)
p618ConfigCreate P.618 configuration object (Since R2021a)
p618SiteDiversityConfigCreate P.618 site diversity configuration object (Since R2021a)
p681LMSChannelFilter input signal through ITU-R P.681 LMS frequency-flat fading channel (Since R2022a)
satelliteCNRConfigCarrier-to-noise ratio configuration parameters (Since R2022b)


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