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Using Entity Priority to Sequence Departures


This example shows how to use entity priority to sequence entity departures when multiple entities are available to depart. The example models an airport check-in counter where passengers arrive to be checked in. Passengers can have either First-Class, Business Class, or Economy Class reservations, modeled using entity priority values 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

The example models two scenarios:

  • The first involves a Priority Queue in which passengers are explicitly sorted by their entity priority. This ensures that all First Class passengers are sorted before Business Class, which are in turn sorted before Economy Class. This is called "Explicit Prioritization" in the model.

  • The second involves an Entity Server in which all passengers are waiting in an unordered fashion. When the check-in agent is available, all passengers schedule departure events. These simultaneous events are ordered by entity priority, ensuring that the entity with the highest priority will depart first, and all the other departures will fail. This is called "Implicit Prioritization" in the model.


In this simulation, the Entity Generator simultaneously generates 30 passengers at time 0. Once 30 are available in the Pool, the Entity Gate opens and all passengers can depart. The results show the simultaneous arrivals of all passengers at time 0 with their entity priorities. When the Gate opens, it is seen that all passengers depart in order of their entity priority.

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