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Moist Air Models

Basic blocks and techniques for modeling moist air systems

Moist Air libraries contain blocks for the moist air domain, organized into elements, sources, and sensors. Connect these blocks together just as you would assemble a physical system. Use these blocks, along with the blocks from other Foundation libraries and the add-on products, to model multidomain physical systems.

The Utilities library contains the Moist Air Properties (MA) block, which lets you specify the air mixture properties in the connected circuit. This block provides several options for modeling trace gas properties. For more information, see Modeling Moist Air Systems and Modeling Moisture and Trace Gas Levels.


  • Elements
    Building blocks, such as chambers, reservoirs, local restrictions, converters
  • Sensors
    Moist air mass flow rate, energy flow rate, pressure, temperature, humidity and trace gas sensor blocks
  • Sources
    Moist air mass flow rate, pressure, volumetric flow rate source blocks
  • Moisture & Trace Gas Sources
    Blocks that change moisture and trace gas levels
  • Utilities
    Basic environment blocks that specify air mixture properties
  • Moist Air Systems
    Featured examples of moist air systems
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