Unidades físicas
El software Simscape™ ofrece una biblioteca de unidades estándar y la posibilidad de definir unidades adicionales, según sea necesario. Puede especificar las unidades junto con los valores de parámetro en los diálogos de bloque y el administrador de unidades de Simscape realizará las operaciones de conversión de unidad necesarias cuando resuelva una red física. Los bloques de Simscape admiten sistemas de medidas estándares. Las unidades de bloque predeterminadas son metro, kilogramo y segundo (MKS) según el sistema internacional de unidades.
pm_adddimension | Adds new dimension to unit registry |
pm_addunit | Add new unit to unit registry |
pm_getdimensions | Get information about all dimensions in unit registry |
pm_getunits | Get information about all units in unit registry |
simscape.computationalUnit | Determine computational unit for commensurate units (desde R2021b) |
simscape.isCommensurateUnit | Check whether units are commensurate (desde R2021b) |
simscape.mustBeCommensurateUnit | Validate that units are commensurate (desde R2021b) |
simscape.Value | Create value with unit (desde R2021b) |
simscape.Unit | Represent unit of measure without an associated value (desde R2021b) |
- How to Work with Physical Units
General principles of working with physical units in Simscape modeling environment.
- How to Specify Units in Block Dialogs
Using physical units in Simscape blocks.
- Unit Definitions
List of default physical units in the Simscape unit registry.
- Thermal Unit Conversions
Specifics of affine unit conversion applicable to thermal units.
- How to Apply Affine Conversion
When you specify affine units for an input temperature signal, it is important to consider whether you need to apply affine conversion.
- Angular Units
Special treatment of angular units.
- Units for Angular Velocity and Frequency
Special treatment of frequency units.
- Working with Simulink Units
Ensure consistent units specification on Simulink® signals connected to Simscape physical networks.
- Working with simscape.Value and simscape.Unit Objects
Use MATLAB® interface to manipulate physical values with units.