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Determine whether operating point data contains private data elements


hasPrivateData(op) returns true (1) if the operating point data tree contains elements corresponding to the Simscape™ language file members with the attribute ExternalAccess = none. Returns false (0) if the operating point does not contain private data.

Simscape language members with the attribute ExternalAccess = none are not observable by definition. Therefore, you cannot see them in the operating point data, but their inclusion helps restore the simulation state of the model during initialization.

When you create an operating point by extracting it from a model or from logged simulation data, private data is included by default.



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In general, including private data in an operating point data tree helps with model initialization. However, if you are having trouble initializing a model from a saved operating point and wonder whether the issue is in the hidden private data, try using removePrivateData to remove the hidden elements.

Open the Permanent Magnet DC Motor example model and create an OperatingPoint object named op using the Start values from the model:

op = simscape.op.create(gcs, 'Start')
op = 

  OperatingPoint with children:


   ChildId         Size
   ______________  ____

   'DC Motor'       1x1
   'DC Voltage'     1x1
   'ERef'           1x1
   'Load Torque'    1x1
   'MRRef Motor'    1x1
   'MRRef Torque'   1x1
   'Sensing'        1x1
   'Step Input'     1x1

Determine whether the operating point contains private data:

ans =



Create a new operating point, op1, by removing private data from op:

 op1 = removePrivateData(op)
op1 = 

  OperatingPoint with children:


   ChildId         Size
   ______________  ____

   'DC Motor'       1x1
   'DC Voltage'     1x1
   'ERef'           1x1
   'Load Torque'    1x1
   'MRRef Motor'    1x1
   'MRRef Torque'   1x1
   'Sensing'        1x1
   'Step Input'     1x1

Verify that the new operating point does not contain private data:

ans =



Input Arguments

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Operating point in the workspace, specified as an OperatingPoint object.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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