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About Code Generation from Simscape Models

You can use Simulink® Coder™ software to generate standalone C or C++ code from your Physical Networks models and enhance simulation speed and portability. Certain features of Simulink software also make use of generated or external code. This section explains code-related tasks you can perform with your Simscape™ models.

Code versions of Simscape models typically require fixed-step Simulink solvers, which are discussed in the Simulink documentation. Some features of Simscape software are restricted when you translate a model into code. See How Simscape Code Generation Differs from Simulink, as well as Limitations.


Code generated from Simscape models is intended for rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop applications. It is not intended for use as production code in embedded controller applications.

Add-on products based on the Simscape platform also support code generation, with some variations and exceptions described in their respective documentation.

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