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Hardware Implementation

hisl_0071: Configuration Parameters > Hardware Implementation >Inconsistent hardware implementation settings

ID: Titlehisl_0071: Configuration Parameters > Hardware Implementation >Inconsistent hardware implementation settings

Inconsistencies or under-specification of hardware attributes can result in incompatible code generation for production hardware. For compatible code generation, these configuration parameters must be the same between production hardware and test hardware:

  • Byte ordering

  • Signed integer division rounds to


Simulink® and Simulink Coder™ require two sets of target specifications. The first set describes the final intended production target. The second set describes the currently selected target. If the configuration parameters do not match, the code generator creates extra code to emulate the behavior of the production target.

Inconsistent hardware parameters between production hardware and test hardware can be avoided by selecting configuration parameter Test hardware is the same as production hardware.

RationaleEfficient code generation
Model Advisor CheckCheck safety-related settings for hardware implementation (Simulink Check)
  • ISO 26262-6, Table 4 (1a) ‘Walk-through of the design’

    ISO 26262-6, Table 4 (1b) ‘Inspection of the design’

    ISO 26262-6, Table 7 (1a) ‘Walk-through'

    ISO 26262-6, Table 7 (1c) 'Inspection'

    ISO 26262-6, Table 7 (1n) ‘Back-to-back comparison test between model and code, if applicable '

    ISO 26262-6, Table 10 (1e) 'Back-to-back comparison test between model and code, if applicable'

  • DO-331 MB.6.3.2.c ‘Compatibility with Target Computer’

    DO-331 MB.6.3.3.c ‘Compatibility with Target Computer’

See Also

Set Byte Ordering for Device (Simulink Coder)

Last ChangedR2021a
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