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Arduino Sensor blocks

Configure sensor blocks to read and measure physical properties from the sensors connected to Arduino® boards. Use these physical properties in various application–based examples.

Acceleration Sensor Blocks

ADIS16505 IMU SensorMeasure acceleration, angular rate, and temperature along axes of ADIS16505 sensor
ADXL34x AccelerometerMeasure linear acceleration along axes of ADXL34x family of accelerometers
BNO055 IMU SensorMeasure acceleration, angular rate, and magnetic field, and calculate fusion values such as Euler angles, quaternion, linear acceleration, and gravity vector along the axes of BNO055 sensor
ICM20948 IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular velocity, magnetic field, and temperature from ICM20948 IMU sensor
LIS3DH Accelerometer SensorMeasure linear acceleration, voltage, and temperature from LIS3DH sensor
LSM303C IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, magnetic field strength, and temperature from LSM303C sensor
LSM6DS3 IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DS3 sensor
LSM6DS3H IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DS3H sensor
LSM6DSM IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSM sensor
LSM6DSR IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSR sensor
LSM6DSO IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSO sensor
LSM6DSL IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSL sensor
LSM9DS1 IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and magnetic field along X, Y, and Z axis
MPU6050 IMU SensorMeasure acceleration, angular rate, and temperature along axes of MPU-6050 sensor
MPU9250 IMU SensorMeasure acceleration, angular rate, magnetic field, and temperature along axes of MPU-9250 sensor

Proximity Sensor Blocks

APDS9960 SensorRead proximity, gesture, ambient light, and RGB color data from APDS9960 I2C sensor
Ultrasonic SensorMeasure distance between ultrasonic sensor and object

Environmental Sensor Blocks

BME68x Gas SensorMeasure barometric air pressure, relative humidity, ambient temperature, IAQ, eCO2, and bVOC from BME68x sensor
BMP280 Pressure SensorMeasure barometric air pressure and ambient temperature from BMP280 sensor
CCS811 Air Quality SensorMeasure equivalent CO2 (eCO2) and the equivalent total volatile organic compound concentration (eTVOC)
HTS221 Humidity SensorMeasure relative humidity and temperature from HTS221 sensor
LPS22HB Pressure SensorMeasure barometric air pressure and temperature from LPS22HB sensor

Video and Vision Sensor Blocks

Pixy2 Vision SensorRepresent connected CMUcam5 Pixy2 vision sensor and tracks object (color blob)
OV2640 Camera SensorCapture JPEG images using ArduCam 2MP Mini Plus camera module with OV2640 sensor

Motor and Vehicle Sensor Blocks

EncoderMeasure incremental position and direction of rotating motor
TachometerRead rotational speed of shaft
VL53L0X Time of Flight SensorMeasure distance to a target object


Applications for Robotics Using Arduino and Simulink


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