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Load data from workspace, file, or Simulation Data Inspector

Since R2022b

  • Playback block

Simulink / Sources


Use the Playback block to load input data for simulation. The Playback block supports loading real or complex signals with fixed or variable dimensions, discrete and continuous signals, and messages. Using the Playback block, you can load data from:

  • Workspace variables of any data format supported by the Simulation Data Inspector

  • Files in the same formats supported by the Record block and the Simulation Data Inspector such as MAT, MLDATX (since R2023a), and Microsoft® Excel® files

  • Data from a custom file reader

  • Runs in the Simulation Data Inspector

For more information about workspace variables and file formats supported by the Playback block, see Import Data from Workspace or File into Simulation Data Inspector.

You can also use the Playback block in conjunction with the Record block as part of a record and playback workflow. Use the Record block to record data from physical devices or simulations. Then, use the Playback block to load the recorded data into a model. Using real or simulated data, you can then develop, test, and optimize the model.

Add Data to Playback Block

You can add signals, messages, multidimensional signals, buses, and arrays of buses to the Playback block. To load data to a model using the Playback block, first add data to the block. Then, select the data to load by assigning signals or messages to ports. When you run a simulation, the Playback block loads data into the model.

To add signals to the Playback block interactively, double-click the block. When you double-click a Playback block that has no signals, the block shows a screen with options to add data.

You can choose from three types of sources to add data to the Playback block:

  • Add a workspace variable from the base workspace, model workspace, or mask workspace.

  • Add data from a file. If the file is not on the MATLAB® path or in your current directory, you can click the folder icon to browse for your data.

  • Add data from the workspace, a file, or the Simulation Data Inspector using the Add Signals dialog box.

Use the Add Signals dialog box to access more options for adding data from the workspace or a file or to add data from the Simulation Data Inspector. You can also search for specific signals. (since R2024a) As you type the signal name, the table of signals updates to display only the signal names that contain your search term. You can also refine your search to exclude partial matches, match specific capitalization, or use regular expressions to find signals that follow a certain pattern.

When you add data from the workspace or a file, you can choose to reference the signals in the source or save a copy of the signals in the model. Adding signal data from the Simulation Data Inspector always saves a copy of the signals in the model.

Referencing the signal in the source links the signal in the Playback block to the variable or file that contains the signal data. If the data in the source variable or file changes, that change is reflected in the data loaded by the Playback block. When linking data, only metadata is stored on the block for each signal.

When you save a copy of the signals in the model, the Playback block loads from the copied data. Changes made to the original data source variable or file are not reflected in the Playback block output.

The Add Signals dialog box also allows you to choose whether to assign ports automatically or manually. If you choose to manually assign ports, you can create ports using the Port Editor and assign ports using the port column of the signal table.

To add signals to the Playback block programmatically, use the Simulink.playback.createSignals function to create a Simulink.playback.Signal object that contains the signals to add. Then, use the set_param function to apply the Simulink.playback.Signal object to the Signals parameter of the Playback block. (since R2024a)

For example, to add signals with the variable names x1 and x2 from the workspace to the Playback block:

  1. Use the Simulink.playback.createSignals function to create a Simulink.playback.Signal object for the x1 and x2 signals. Specify the source of the data as the workspace, and list the variable names of the signals to be added.

  2. Use the set_param function to set the Simulink.playback.Signals object as the value of the Signals parameter.

pbSig  = Simulink.playback.createSignals("workspace","Variables",["x1","x2"]);

Visualize Data

After you add signal data, you can visualize the signals in the Playback block to verify the data before loading it into your model.

By default, the Playback block plots your data using a sparkline plot. A sparkline is created for each signal added to the Playback block. If you add input data for a bus, a sparkline is created for each bus element. Multidimensional signals must be converted to channels or frames to visualize the data. Use the check boxes next to each signal name to control which signals are plotted.


You can select or clear the check boxes to change the appearance of the sparklines visualization without affecting which signals the Playback block loads into your model during simulation. To control which signals are loaded to the model, use the port column in the table of signals.

To change the appearance of the signal table, click Preferences. In the Preferences dialog box, you can choose which signal properties to display and how to group the data in the signal table. You can group data by: (since R2023b)

  • Hierarchy — Group data based on the data hierarchy.

  • Source — Group data based on the origin of the data. (since R2024b)

    • File — Signals sourced and referenced from a file are collected in a group specified by the filename. If you add signals from multiple files, a group is created for each file.

    • Workspace — Signals sourced and referenced from the workspace are collected in a group named Workspace.

    • Saved in model — Signals that are saved to the model, such as signals sourced from the Simulation Data Inspector, are collected in a group named Signals saved in model.

  • No grouping — Display a flat list of signals.

View and Edit Signals and Ports

You can view and edit signal properties using the Properties pane in the Playback block.

In the Properties pane, you can edit any row with a white background. The number of editable fields depends on whether you choose to reference the signal in the source or save a copy of the data in the model.

Port properties for the Playback block can be set separately from the signal properties using the Port Editor.

Using the Port Editor, you can add ports, delete ports, and edit port properties. You can also change port assignments using the Port column of the signal table. By default, port properties are inherited from the signal. However, you can set a port property independently of the signal property. When compatible with the signal property, the port property determines the output of the Playback block. For example, you can convert the units of a signal with assigned measurement by setting the Units property for that port to a different unit of measurement. When the signal units and port units are compatible, the Playback block performs a unit conversion.

The Playback block supports multirate sample times, allowing you to set a different sample time for each port. Port sample times can also be set separately from the signal sample time.

Export Data Added to Playback Block

Since R2023a

You can use the Playback block to aggregate data from the workspace, files, and the Simulation Data Inspector (linked to from the source or saved in the model) and export that data to the workspace or a file. The Playback block exports all data added to the block, even signals that are not assigned to ports. To export all data added to the Playback block:

  1. On the Simulation tab, in the Share section, click Export.

  2. Select Base workspace or File to export the data to the workspace or to a file. You can choose to export the data to the workspace or to a MAT, MLDATX, or Microsoft Excel file.

  3. Click Export.

If you choose to export data to an MLDATX file, you can specify the name of the run using the Exported run name text box.

If you choose to export data to an Excel file, click Options to select meta data to export and specify how time data is exported.




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The Playback block supports loading real or complex signals with fixed or variable dimensions, discrete and continuous signals, messages , multidimensional signals, buses, and arrays of buses.

When you load bus data, the Playback block assigns a port to each element of the bus.

The Playback block cannot load data with a floating-point data type of half as a message.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated
Complex Number Support: Yes


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Port Parameters

You can access port parameters through the Port Editor. Double-click the Playback block. In the Simulation tab, in the Port section, click Port Editor. Properties for each port can be set independently using the Port Editor.

When you add signals to the Playback block and automatically assign signals to ports, a new port is created for each signal or bus element you add. You can add or delete ports after adding signal data. The number of ports does not need to be equal to the number of signals you add to the block.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

Parameter: NumPorts
Values: 0 (default) | integer in the range [0,100]
Data Types: integer

Example: set_param(gcb,"NumPorts",5)

By default, the port data type is inherited from the source data type or from a downstream block.

You can set the data type of the port independently of the signal data type. For numerical data, the Playback block converts to the data type specified by the port. If a conversion is not possible, such as in the case of converting numerical data to a string, the software throws an error.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

The size of the string array is equal to the number of ports. The index of each element is determined by the port number.

Parameter: OutDataTypeStr
Values: "Inherit: auto" (default) | "double" | "single" | "half" | "int8" | "uint8" | "int16" | "uint16" | "int32" | "uint32" | "int64" | "uint64" | "string" | "boolean" | "fixdt(1,16,0)" | "fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)"
Data Types: string array

Example: set_param(gcb,"OutDataTypeStr",["double","int64"])

You can specify the complexity for each port independently. Port complexity does not need to match the corresponding signal complexity. By default, the complexity of the port is "auto" and inherited from the signal data.

  • If the signal data is real, the complexity of the port that loads the signal can be real or complex. If the port is set to "complex", the complex part of the signal is a signal ground.

  • If the signal data is complex, the complexity of the port that loads the signal must be complex.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

The size of the string array is equal to the number of ports. The index of each element is determined by the port number.

Parameter: PortComplexity
Values: "auto" (default) | "real" | "complex"
Data Types: string array

Example: set_param(gcb,"PortComplexity",["auto","real","complex","real"])

Physical units for each port, specified as a supported physical unit. To see a list of supported physical units, use the function showunitslist.


  • If no unit is set on the port, the output units are inherited from the signal units.

  • If different units are set on both the signal and the port, then the Playback block performs a unit conversion if the units are compatible.

The Playback block propagates units for each port.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

The size of the string array is equal to the number of ports. The index of each element is determined by the port number.

Parameter: PortUnits
Values: " " (default) | supported physical unit
Data Types: string array

Example: set_param(gcb,"PortUnits",["m","m/s","m/s^2"])

The Sample time parameter specifies when the block computes a new output value during simulation. For details, see Specify Sample Time.

Specify the Sample time parameter as a scalar when you do not want the output to have a time offset. To add a time offset to the output, specify the Sample time parameter as a 1-by-2 vector where the first element is the sampling period and the second element is the offset.

By default, the Sample time parameter value is -1, which indicates that the port sample time is inherited from the signal. If the sample time of a port differs from the sample time of the associated signal, the Playback block interpolates data as needed using the interpolation setting of the signal.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

The size of the string array is equal to the number of ports. The index of each element is determined by the port number.

Parameter: PortSampleTimes
Values: "-1" (default) | scalar | vector
Data Types: string array

Example: set_param(gcb,"PortSampleTimes",["-1","0","inf"])

To inherit the dimensions of a port from the data, leave the parameter empty. If the port does not have assigned data, setting the dimensions generates the ground.

The Playback block stores a multidimensional signal as a single signal with nonscalar sample values, a set of channels, or frames. For more information, see Analyze Multidimensional Signal Data.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

The size of the cell array is equal to the number of ports. The index of each element is determined by the port number.

Parameter: PortDimensions
Values: empty 1×1 cell array (default) | cell array of positive integers | cell array of vectors
Data Types: cell array

Example: set_param(gcb,"PortDimensions",[{2},{[1,2,3]}])

Dimension mode of each port, returned as a string array where each element may be "auto", "Fixed", or "Variable".

  • If the dimension mode is "auto", then the port inherits the dimension mode from the data.

  • If the dimension mode is "Fixed", then the port allows only fixed-sized signals.

  • If the dimension mode is "Variable", then the port allows only variable-size signals.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

The size of the string array is equal to the number of ports. The index of each element is determined by the port number.

Parameter: PortDimsModes
Values: "auto" (default) | "Fixed" | "Variable"
Data Types: string array

Example: set_param(gcb,"PortDimsModes",["Fixed","auto"])

Block Parameters

You can access most block parameters through the Parameter Settings. Double-click the Playback block. In the Simulation tab, click Parameter Settings to configure block parameters.

Block parameter settings apply to all ports.

Extrapolation method used to determine output values for simulation times before the first sample in the file, workspace, or Simulation Data Inspector data.


Extrapolated output depends on the type of data.

  • For double data, the Playback block linearly extrapolates the output value using the first two samples.

  • For Boolean data, the Playback block uses the first data point value for the output value.

  • For all other built-in data types, the Playback block:

    1. Upcasts the data to double

    2. Linearly extrapolates the output value using the first two data samples

    3. Downcasts the extrapolated data value to the original data type

If the data contains only one sample, the Playback block provides that value at the output.

Do not use the Linear option when the Playback block loads enumerated or fixed-point data.

The extrapolation setting is applied to all signals in a bus. If any signal in the bus contains enumerated or fixed-point data, do not use the Linear option.

Plot that shows the output for a Playback block configured to linearly extrapolate the output value for simulation times before the first sample in the loaded data. The block loads data that starts 2 seconds into the simulation.

Hold First Value

The Playback block uses the first data value as the output value.

Plot that shows the output for a Playback block configured to hold the first value in the loaded data for simulation times before the first sample in the loaded data. The block loads data that starts 2 seconds into the simulation.

Ground Value

Extrapolated output depends on the type of data.

  • Built-in numeric types — 0

  • Booleanfalse

  • Fixed-point data types — Representation for value of 0, which may not be exactly 0 due to scaling and limited precision.

  • Enumerated data types — Default value

Plot that shows the output for a Playback block configured to use the ground value as the output value for simulation times before the first sample in the loaded data. The block loads data that starts 2 seconds into the simulation.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

Parameter: ExtrapolationBeforeFirstDataPoint
Values: "Linear extrapolation" (default) | "Hold first value" | "Ground value"
Data Types: character vector | string

Example: set_param(gcb,"ExtrapolationBeforeFirstDataPoint","Hold first value")

Extrapolation method used to determine output values for simulation times after the last sample in the file, workspace, or Simulation Data Inspector data.


Extrapolated output depends on the type of data.

  • For double data, the Playback block linearly extrapolates the output value using the last two samples.

  • For Boolean data, the Playback block uses the last sample value for the output value.

  • For all other built-in data types, the Playback block:

    1. Upcasts the data to double

    2. Linearly extrapolates the output value using the last two data samples

    3. Downcasts the extrapolated data value to the original data type

If the data contains only one sample, the Playback block uses that value as the output.

Do not use the Linear option when the Playback block loads enumerated or fixed-point data.

Plot that shows the output for a Playback block configured to linearly interpolate the output value for simulation times after the last sample in the loaded data. The block loads data that ends 2 seconds before the end of the simulation.

Hold Last Value

The Playback block uses the last data value as the output value.

Plot that shows the output for a Playback block configured to hold the last output value for simulation times after the last sample in the loaded data. The block loads data that ends 2 seconds before the end of the simulation.

Ground Value

The Playback block output value depends on the type of data.

  • Built-in numeric types — 0

  • Booleanfalse

  • Fixed-point data types — Representation for value of 0, which may not be exactly 0 due to scaling and limited precision.

  • Enumerated data types — Default value

Plot that shows the output for a Playback block configured to use the ground value as the output value for simulation times after the last sample in the loaded data. The block loads data that ends 2 seconds before the end of the simulation.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

Parameter: ExtrapolationAfterLastDataPoint
Values: "Linear extrapolation" (default) | "Hold last value" | "Ground value"
Data Types: character vector | string

Example: set_param(gcb,"ExtrapolationAfterLastDataPoint","Hold last value")

Zero-crossing detection locates discontinuities, or zero crossings, in the block output and prevents excessively small time steps near the discontinuities, which can slow down simulation. The Playback block detects zero crossings for a signal only when the sample time of the signal is continuous.

The loaded data creates a discontinuity in the block output when the data includes multiple samples with the same time. For example, for this input data, a discontinuity occurs at time 2.

time:     0 1 2 2 3
signal:   2 3 4 5 6

The Playback block can also create discontinuities in the output based on how you configure interpolation and extrapolation.

  • Setting Before first point to Ground Value can create a discontinuity at the first sample in the loaded data.

  • Setting After last point to Ground Value can create a discontinuity at the last sample in the loaded data.

This block supports zero-crossing detection only in simulations that use a variable-step solver. When you use a fixed-step solver for simulation, the software does not detect or locate zero crossings for this block.

For more information, see Zero-Crossing Detection.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

Parameter: ZeroCross
Values: "off" (default) | "on"
Data Types: character vector | string

Example: set_param(gcb,"ZeroCross","on")

Since R2024a

Information about signals added to Playback block, specified as a Simulink.playback.Signal object.

You can use the Signals parameter to retrieve information about signals in the block using the get_param function or add new signals to the block using the set_param function. Simulink.playback.Signal objects store information about signals added to the Playback block.

To add one or more signals to the Playback block, create a Simulink.playback.Signal object using the Simulink.playback.createSignals function. Then, use the set_param function to apply the Simulink.playback.Signal object to the Signals parameter of the Playback block.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

Parameter: Signals
Values: Simulink.playback.Signal object

Example: set_param(gcb,"Signals",pgSigObj)

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | double | enumerated | fixed point | half | integer | single | string

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection



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Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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