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Check existence of variable in context of Simulink model



varExists =,varName) returns an indication of the existence of a variable or data dictionary entry varName in the context of the Simulink® model modelName. searches the Design Data section of the data dictionary that is linked to the target model or the MATLAB® base workspace if the target model is not linked to any data dictionary.


collapse all

Determine the existence of a variable PressVect in the context of the Simulink model vdp.slx, which is not linked to any data dictionary.

ans =


Because vdp.slx is not linked to any data dictionary, existsInGlobal searches only in the MATLAB base workspace for PressVect.

Determine the existence of a variable PressVect in the context of the Simulink model sldemo_fuelsys_dd_controller.slx, which is linked to the data dictionary sldemo_fuelsys_dd_controller.sldd.

Open the Using a Data Dictionary to Manage the Data for a Fuel Control System example model sldemo_fuelsys_dd_controller.


ans =


Because sldemo_fuelsys_dd_controller is linked to the data dictionary sldemo_fuelsys_dd_controller.sldd, existsInGlobal searches for PressVect only in the Design Data section of the dictionary.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of target Simulink model, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'myTestModel'

Data Types: char

Name of target variable or data dictionary entry, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'myTargetVariable'

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

collapse all

Indication of existence of target variable or data dictionary entry, returned as 1 to indicate existence or 0 to indicate absence.


  • existsInGlobal helps you transition Simulink models to the use of data dictionaries. You can use the function to find model variables before and after linking a model to a data dictionary.


You can use Model Explorer to search a data dictionary or any workspace for entries or variables.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a