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Set or clear breakpoint that pauses simulation debugging session at specified time



tbreak t sets or clears a breakpoint that pauses simulation after the simulation reaches the specified time t. The simulation debugging session pauses on the Outputs.Major method for the model in the first time step after time t.

  • If a breakpoint was not already set for time t, the command sets the breakpoint.

  • If a breakpoint had been set for time t, the command clears the breakpoint.


This function is supported only for simulation debugging sessions started programmatically using the sldebug function or using the sim function with the 'debug' name-value argument.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Time to pause simulation debugging session, specified as a scalar. The software pauses simulation on the Outputs.Major method for the model in the time step that follows the specified time.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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