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Variant Start

Define start of bounded region

Since R2024a

  • Variant Start block

Simulink / Signal Routing


The Variant Start block defines the start of the bounded region that allows you to limit variant condition propagation without introducing a level of hierarchy. Define the end of the bounded region by using Variant End. For every Variant Start block, there is a single corresponding Variant End block. When you specify the variant conditions on the Variant Start block, the corresponding Variant End block inherits the conditions and other parameters based on the unique Variant Start End Tag on compile.

In a given hierarchy, a region between the outport of a Variant Start block and the corresponding inport of the Variant End block is defined as a bounded region if the following conditions are met:

  • You can create a subsystem that wraps all the blocks within the choice without intersecting with the other choice. Thus, there is a clear demarcation of choices.

  • You can create a subsystem with only one inport(connected to the outport of the Variant Start block), and only one outport (connected to the outport of the destination). Choices do not branch out of the region.


The Variant Start block works with time-based, and action signals. You cannot use SimEvents®, Simscape™ Multibody™, or other non-time-based signals with these blocks.



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Input signal to be connected to the active output port.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus | struct


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Output branch that forms the start of the bounded region with corresponding inport of the Variant End block.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus

Output signal from the Nth branch.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus


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Unique identifier to identify the correct Variant Start and Variant End pair that form the bounded region, specified as a valid MATLAB identifier. A valid MATLAB identifier is a character vector of alphanumerics (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) and underscores, such that the first character is a letter and the length of the character vector is less than or equal to namelengthmax.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: VariantStartEndTag
Type: character vector
Values: 'A' | valid MATLAB identifier
Default: 'A'

The variant control that determines the active variant choice can be any of these types.

For more information on variant control modes, see Introduction to Variant Controls. For a comparison between different types of variant control modes, see Compare Different Types of Variant Control Modes in Variant Blocks.


The availability of different variant activation times depends on the type of the Variant control mode that you specify. The Variant activation time parameter determines the time when the software sets the active choice. The parameter also determines which variability to include in the generated code. This table explains the variant activation time supported by each variant control mode.

Variant activation time 
Variant control modeupdate diagramupdate diagram analyze all choicescode compilestartupruntime
sim codegen switchingxxx

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: VariantControlMode
Type: character vector
Values: 'expression' | 'label' | 'sim codegen switching'
Default: 'expression'

This parameter determines which variability to include in the simulation and code generation workflows. For more information, see Activate Variant During Different Stages of Simulation and Code Generation Workflow.

  • update diagram — When you execute the model, only the active choice is included in the simulation and the code generation workflow. Generated code contains only the active choice.

  • update diagram analyze all choices — When you execute the model, both active and inactive choices are analyzed for consistency across the model. However, only the active choice is included in the simulation and the code generation workflow. Generated code contains only the active choice.

  • code compile — When you execute the model, both active and inactive choices are analyzed for consistency across the model, and all choices are included in the simulation and the code generation workflow. Generated code contains both the active and inactive choices enclosed in the preprocessor conditionals #if and #elif. However, the executable built from the generated code contains only active choice.

  • startup — When you execute the model, both active and inactive choices are analyzed for consistency across the model, and all choices are included in the simulation and the code generation workflow. With this option, you can improve the speed of iterative simulations using fast restart. For more information, see Run Iterative Simulations Without Recompiling Model for Variant Systems Using Fast Restart. Code generated from the model contains both the active and inactive choices that are enclosed in regular if conditions. The executable built from the generated code also contains both active and inactive choices.

  • runtime — When you execute the model, the active variant can switch during simulation or execution of the generated code by using the Parameter Writer block. Place a Parameter Writer block inside a conditionally executed subsystem or in an Initialize Function block, a Reinitialize Function block, a Reset Function block. For more information on the blocks, see Event Functions. You can use the Parameter Writer block to write to block parameters, model workspace variables, and base workspace variables. All modeling patterns supported by the Parameter Writer block are valid for run-time activation. For more information, see Common Uses of Parameter Writer Block.

  • inherit from Simulink.VariantControl — When you execute the model, the block inherits the activation time from its variant control variables of type Simulink.VariantControl. If a variant block has multiple variant control variables of type Simulink.VariantControl, then all those variables must have the same activation time.

The table compares the different variant activation times based on conditional code, variant switching, handling of states, and fast restart support.

 update diagram or update diagram analyze all choicescode compilestartupruntime
Generated conditional codeInactive conditional code is not available.Conditional code is present inside preprocessor macros. The inactive choice code is eliminated when generated code is compiled.Conditional code is generated as part of an if-elseif-else statement. The variant control variable value cannot be modified during execution.Conditional code is generated as part of an if-elseif-else statement. The variant control variable value can be modified during execution.
Variant switching during simulation or code executionNot supported.Not supported.Supported at startup (before simulation start at t = 0).Supported. The active variants are switched by changing the variant control variable using the Parameter Writer block.
Explicit setting of held or reset option for states Not supported. States are reset for inactive blocks.Not supported. States are reset for inactive blocksStates cannot be changed during simulation. In the generated code, if you attempt to change the variant, states are in held state.States are held by default. Reset states explicitly through State Writer blocks. Read blocks with states by using the State Reader block and transfer to another choice by using the State Writer block.
Executable sizeSmaller size. Code is not generated for the inactive variant.Smaller size. The inactive variant code is removed during compilation.Comparatively larger size. Both active and inactive variant code is available for startup switching.Comparatively larger size. Both active and inactive variant code is available for run-time switching.
Fast restart supportNot supported.Not supported.Supported. Supported.


  • The availability of different variant activation times depends on the type of the variant control mode that you specify. The Variant activation time parameter determines when the software sets the active choice. The parameter also determines which variability to include in the generated code. This table explains the variant activation time supported by each variant control mode.

    Variant activation time 
    Variant control mode update diagramupdate diagram analyze all choicescode compilestartupruntime
    sim codegen switchingxxx

  • To enable switching of active variant choice of the Variant Subsystem block using the runtime activation time, you must use the Parameter Writer block. Set the Destination parameter of the Parameter Writer block based on the location of your variant control variable and select Validate parameter :

    • Block parameter — Control variable is a mask parameter in a subsystem.

    • Model workspace variable — Control variable is located in the model workspace.

    • Base workspace variable — Control variable is located in the base workspace or a data dictionary.

    For example, you can create a mask parameter V in a subsystem and use it in a variant condition expression for a variant control. The Parameter Writer block writes to the value of V in the variant control condition.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: VariantActivationTime
Type: character vector
Values: 'update diagram' | 'update diagram analyze all choices' | 'code compile' | 'startup'| 'runtime'
Default: 'update diagram'

The table has a row for each variant choice connected to the output port of the Variant Start block. If there are no variant choices, the table is empty.

You can use buttons to the left of the Port and associated conditions table to modify the elements in the table.


Add a new output port: Create a new output port as a variant choice and add an entry for the new choice in the table.

the add a new output port button

Delete selected port: Delete the selected variant choice from the block and its entry from the table.

the delete selected port button

Create/Edit selected variant object: Create or edit a Simulink.VariantExpression object for the selected variant choice in the global workspace and specify the variant condition using the Simulink.VariantExpression object parameter dialog box.


For a model that uses the base workspace, this operation creates the Simulink.VariantExpression object in the base workspace, and the object is available only for the current MATLAB session. To permanently store the data, save the object in a MAT file or MATLAB script.

the Create or Edit selected variant object button

Number of the output port that is connected to one variant choice upstream of the Variant Start block. This value is read-only.

Click the add a new output port button to add a port or the delete selected port button to delete an existing one.

A name for a choice, specified as a string.


To enable this parameter, set Variant control mode to label.

Specify the condition expression to determine the active choice. When a condition expression evaluates to true, the software activates the corresponding variant choice. When a condition expression evaluates to false, the software deactivates the corresponding variant choice.

The variant controls can be:

Here, A and B are operands called as variant control variables. ==, ~=, and && are operators in the condition expression. The condition expression can contain one or more such variant control variables and operators. For information on supported types and storage location of variant control variables, see Types of Variant Control Variables (Operands) in Variant Blocks and Storage Locations for Variant Control Variables (Operands) in Variant Blocks. For information on operators, see Types of Operators in Variant Blocks for Different Activation Times.

For more information, see Switch Between Choices Using Condition Expressions in Variant Blocks.

In Variant Assembly Subsystem block, this parameter is a list of auto-generated boolean expressions with Variant control variable on the left-hand side and the members of the Variant enumeration choice are on the right-hand side of the expressions. Both the sides of the expressions are connected with ==. This parameter is read-only.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

To get the block parameter value programmatically, use the get_param function.

Variant Subsystem block:

Parameter: VariantControl
Values: variant control that is associated with the variant choice
Data Types: char

Example: set_param(gcb, 'VariantControl', 'V == 3'), where gcb is the variant choice of the Variant Subsystem block.

Example: get_param(gcb, 'VariantControl'), where gcb is the variant choice of the Variant Subsystem block.

Variant Source and Variant Sink blocks:

Parameter: VariantControls
Values: variant controls that are associated with variant choices
Data Types: char

Example: set_param(gcb, 'VariantControls', {'A == 1','A == 2'}), where gcb is the Variant Sink or Variant Source block.

Example: get_param(gcb, 'VariantControls'), where gcb is the Variant Sink or Variant Source block.

This parameter is read-only.

This parameter displays the condition expression specified as Simulink.VariantExpression object. To change or edit the condition expression, use the Simulink.VariantExpression parameter dialog box that appears when you double-click the object in the workspace.


The operands that you specify in a condition expression of type Simulink.VariantExpression must be defined in the base workspace or a data dictionary. Specifying operands that are defined in the mask or model workspace is not supported.

This list contains the labels of all the variant choices. To set an active choice, select a label from the list. The corresponding choice becomes active. Alternatively, to change the active choice in label mode, you can follow the approaches described in Set Active Choices Using Variant Control Labels.


To enable this parameter, set Variant control mode to label.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: LabelModeActiveChoice
Type: character vector
Value: If no label mode active choice is specified, the value is empty. If a label mode active choice is specified, the value is the variant control label for the active choice.
Default: ''

When you select this option, Simulink® annotates the variant condition expression on each port of the Variant Start block.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: ShowConditionOnBlock
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | bus | double | enumerated | fixed point | half | integer | single | string

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a