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Grant Execute Permission on Gradle Folder

To run Simulink® models on your Android® device, you must grant execute permission on the gradle folder located inside the installation folder of Android Studio.

To grant execute permission on a Mac:

  1. Open the Mac terminal window.

  2. In the terminal, navigate to the gradle folder, which is located inside the Android Studio installation folder on your computer. For example,

    cd /Applications/Android

  3. Type chmod -R +x *. This command adds execute permission to all files and folders inside the gradle folder.

To grant execute permission in Windows®:

  1. Open Windows Explorer and right-click the gradle folder, which is located inside the Android Studio installation folder on your computer.

  2. Select Properties. In the gradle Properties window, click the Security tab.

  3. To change the permissions, click Edit.

  4. From the Group or user names box, select your group or user name.

  5. From the Permissions for <User or Group> box, select the Allow option for Read & execute permission.

  6. Click Apply. Click OK to close the dialog box.

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