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Update Paths for Source and Header Files

  1. In the MATLAB® editor, open the colorSensor.m file.

  2. Update the BuildInfo method with the following code.

    methods (Static)
        function updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, context)
            if context.isCodeGenTarget('rtw')
                % Update buildInfo
                srcDir = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),'src');
                includeDir = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),'include');
                libDir =  fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),'libraries');
                % Include header files
                % Include source files
                boardInfo = arduino.supportpkg.getBoardInfo;
                switch boardInfo.Architecture
                    case 'avr'
                        % Add SPI Library - For AVR Based
                        ideRootPath = arduino.supportpkg.getAVRRoot;
                        addIncludePaths(buildInfo, fullfile(ideRootPath, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'libraries', 'SPI', 'src'));
                        srcFilePath = fullfile(ideRootPath, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'libraries', 'SPI', 'src');
                        fileNameToAdd = {'SPI.cpp'};
                        addSourceFiles(buildInfo, fileNameToAdd, srcFilePath);
                        % Add Wire / I2C Library - For AVR Based
                        addIncludePaths(buildInfo, fullfile(ideRootPath, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'libraries', 'Wire', 'src'));
                        addIncludePaths(buildInfo, fullfile(ideRootPath, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'libraries', 'Wire', 'src', 'utility'));
                        srcFilePath = fullfile(ideRootPath, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'libraries', 'Wire', 'src');
                        fileNameToAdd = {'Wire.cpp'};
                        addSourceFiles(buildInfo, fileNameToAdd, srcFilePath);
                        srcFilePath = fullfile(ideRootPath, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'libraries', 'Wire', 'src', 'utility');
                        fileNameToAdd = {'twi.c'};
                        addSourceFiles(buildInfo, fileNameToAdd, srcFilePath);
                    case 'sam'
                        % Add SPI Library - For SAM Based
                        libSAMPath = arduino.supportpkg.getSAMLibraryRoot;
                        addIncludePaths(buildInfo, fullfile(libSAMPath, 'SPI','src'));
                        srcFilePath = fullfile(libSAMPath, 'SPI','src');
                        fileNameToAdd = {'SPI.cpp'};
                        addSourceFiles(buildInfo, fileNameToAdd, srcFilePath);
                        % Add Wire / I2C Library - For SAM Based
                        addIncludePaths(buildInfo, fullfile(libSAMPath, 'Wire', 'src'));
                        srcFilePath= fullfile(libSAMPath, 'Wire', 'src');
                        fileNameToAdd = {'Wire.cpp'};
                        addSourceFiles(buildInfo, fileNameToAdd, srcFilePath);
                    case 'samd'
                        % Add SPI Library - For SAMD Based
                        libSAMDPath = arduino.supportpkg.getSAMDLibraryRoot;
                        addIncludePaths(buildInfo, fullfile(libSAMDPath, 'SPI'));
                        srcFilePath = fullfile(libSAMDPath, 'SPI');
                        fileNameToAdd = {'SPI.cpp'};
                        addSourceFiles(buildInfo, fileNameToAdd, srcFilePath);
                        % Add Wire / I2C Library - For SAMD Based
                        addIncludePaths(buildInfo, fullfile(libSAMDPath, 'Wire'));
                        srcFilePath= fullfile(libSAMDPath, 'Wire');
                        fileNameToAdd = {'Wire.cpp'};
                        addSourceFiles(buildInfo, fileNameToAdd, srcFilePath);
                        warning('Unexpected board type. Check again.')

In the next section, you will Set Output Port Properties.

See Also

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