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Archive Projects

To package and share project files, you can export all project files to an archive file. For example, you can share an archived project with people who do not have access to the connected source control tool.

  1. With a project loaded, on the Project tab, select Share > Archive.

  2. (Optional) To export only the specified files, choose an Export profile.

  3. If you have referenced projects and want to export the referenced project files, then select the Include referenced projects check box.

  4. Click Save As.

  5. Use the file browser to specify a file path in the File name field. By default, the file myProjectName.mlproj is created in the current working folder. You can choose the file type project archive (.mlproj) or zip file.

If you want to share a subset of your project files, create an export profile. An export profile allows you to exclude or only include files with particular labels. For more information about creating labels and adding them to project files, see Create Labels.

  1. Specify an export profile. On the Project tab, select Share > Manage Export Profiles.

    1. Click + and specify a name for the export profile.

    2. In the Files pane, choose if you want to exclude or include files based on their labels from the final project archive.

      If the files you need to share are only a small subset of a large project, choose the include option.

    3. In the Files pane, click + and select the labels for the files you want to exclude or include, and then click OK.

    4. You can also exclude user-defined labels from the exported project. In the Labels pane, click + and select the custom labels you do not want to export, and then click OK.

    5. Click Apply and close the Manage Export Profiles dialog box.

    Manage Export Profiles dialog shows two panes. The Files pane contains two options and list the labels of the files you want to exclude. The Labels pane lists the user-defined labels you want to exclude.

  2. When you share the project to an archive, in the Export profile list, select the name of your export profile to export only the specified files.


    Export profiles do not apply changes to referenced projects. When you share your project, MATLAB® exports the entire referenced projects.

Before sharing projects with other users, it can be useful to examine the required add-ons for your project. See Find Required Products and Add-Ons.

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