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Create Labels

In a project, use labels to organize files and communicate information to project users. You can create these types of label categories:

  • Single-valued — You can attach only one label from the category to a file.

  • Multi-valued — You can attach multiple labels from the category to a file.

The Labels tree has built-in labels in the single-valued Classification category:

  • You cannot rename or delete Artifact, Convenience, Derived, Design, None, Test, and Other.

  • You cannot annotate built-in labels.

To create a label category:

  1. In a project, right-click the Labels pane. Then select Create New Category.

  2. In the Create Category dialog box, enter a name for the new category.

  3. If you require a single-valued label category, select the Single Valued check box. The default is multi-valued.

  4. If you want to specify a data type for the label other than String, from the Type list, select Double, Integer, Logical, or None.

  5. Click Create.

To create a label in a category:

  1. In the Labels pane, right-click the label category and select Create New Label.

  2. In the Create Label dialog box, enter a name for the new label and click OK.

To rename or delete a category or label, right-click it and select Rename or Remove.

To create new labels at the command line, see Automate Project Tasks Using Scripts.

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