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Model Metrics

Collect model compliance metric data and create custom model metrics


The Metrics Dashboard will be removed in a future release.

If you currently only use the Metrics Dashboard to analyze your model size, architecture, and complexity, then you can use the Model Maintainability Dashboard instead. For information, see Migrating from Metrics Dashboard to Model Maintainability Dashboard.

You can use model metrics to assess that your model and code comply with size, complexity, and readability requirements. Use the model metric API to create custom model metrics, compute metric results, and export metric data. Use the Metrics Dashboard to visualize the metric data and compliance status for your model. To get started, see Collect and Explore Metric Data by Using Metrics Dashboard.


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slmetric.Engine(To be removed) Collect metric data on models or model components
slmetric.metric.MetaInformation(To be removed) Access meta-information for metrics
slmetric.metric.Result(To be removed) Metric data for specified model component and metric algorithm
slmetric.metric.ResultCollection(To be removed) Metric data for specified model metric
slmetric.metric.ResultDetail(To be removed) Details about instances of slmetric.metric.Result objects
slmetric.metric.ResultClassification(To be removed) Access metric data thresholds results
slmetric.config.Configuration(To be removed) Specify metric data categories and custom metric families
slmetric.config.ThresholdConfiguration(To be removed) Specify metric and slmetric.metric.Result property for thresholding
slmetric.config.Threshold(To be removed) Object for holding metric result thresholds
slmetric.config.Classification(To be removed) Specify categorical metric data ranges
slmetric.config.MetricRange(To be removed) Specify metric data threshold values
slmetric.dashboard.Configuration(To be removed) Object containing information on Metrics Dashboard layout and widgets
slmetric.dashboard.Container (To be removed) Widget for holding slmetric.dashboard.Widget and slmetric.dashboard.CustomWidget objects in Metrics Dashboard
slmetric.dashboard.CustomWidget(To be removed) Object for holding custom Metrics Dashboard widgets
slmetric.dashboard.Group(To be removed) Widget for holding slmetric.dashboard.Container, slmetric.dashboard.Widget and slmetric.dashboard.CustomWidget objects on Metrics Dashboard
slmetric.dashboard.Layout(To be removed) Create object for holding Metrics Dashboard customizations
slmetric.dashboard.Widget(To be removed) Object for holding Actual/Potential Reuse, System Interface, or System Info widgets
Advisor.component.ComponentCreate component for metric analysis
Advisor.component.TypesCreate enum class specifying component type
slmetric.metric.Metric(To be removed) Abstract class for creating model metrics


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metricsdashboard(To be removed) Open Metrics Dashboard
slmetric.metric.getAvailableMetrics(To be removed) Obtain available metrics
slmetric.config.getActiveConfiguration(To be removed) Obtain file path and name of XML file containing active Metrics Dashboard custom configuration
slmetric.config.setActiveConfiguration(To be removed) Activate custom configuration for metric engine to use
slmetric.dashboard.setActiveConfiguration(To be removed) Activate custom metric dashboard layout
slmetric.dashboard.getActiveConfiguration(To be removed) Obtain file path and name of XML file containing active Metrics Dashboard layout
slmetric.metric.createNewMetricClass(To be removed) Create new metric class for a custom model metric
slmetric.metric.registerMetric(To be removed) Register a custom model metric with the model metric repository
slmetric.metric.unregisterMetric(To be removed) Unregister a custom model metric from the model metric repository
slmetric.metric.refresh(To be removed) Update available model metrics


Migrate to Model Maintainability Dashboard

Explore Metric Data

Customize Metrics and Dashboard Functionality

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