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padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator Class

Namespace: padv
Superclasses: (MATLAB Report Generator)

Settings for generating Process Advisor report


This class requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check. Use the padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator class to represent the settings for generating a Process Advisor report. After you run tasks using the Process Advisor app or runprocess function, you can call the generateReport function on a padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator object to generate a report of the task results.

The padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator class is a handle class.



padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator() returns settings for generating a Process Advisor report.


padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator(Name=Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator(Format="html-file") creates a report settings object that specifies for the generated Process Advisor report to be an HTML file.


Input Arguments

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Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator(Format="html-file")

File format for the generated report, specified as one of these values:

  • "pdf" — PDF file

  • "html" — HTML report, packaged as a zipped file that contains the HTML file, images, style sheet, and JavaScript® files of the report

  • "html-file" — HTML report

  • "docx"Microsoft® Word document

This argument specifies the Type property for the padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator object.

Example: "html-file"

Name and path of generated report, specified as a string.

By default, the report path uses a relative path to the project root and the pipeline generator generates a report ProcessAdvisorReport.pdf.

Example: "tools/myReport"

Data Types: string

Name of process that you want to generate report for, specified by a character vector or string.

By default, the report generator generates a report for the default process. But if you define multiple processes inside your process model, you can generate a report for a different process by using the Process argument.

Example: "CIPipeline"

Example: "Fail-Fast"

Data Types: string


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Run a task and generate a report with the task results.

Open the Process Advisor example project.


This command creates a copy of the Process Advisor example project and opens Process Advisor on the model AHRS_Voter.

Run a task. For this example, in Process Advisor, point to the task Generate Simulink Web View and click the run button .

Mouse pointing to run button to run this task and outdated dependent tasks

Use the generateReport function to generate an HTML report with the task results.


The report, ProcessAdvisorReport.html, generates in the current working folder.

Open and inspect the report. The report shows a summary of the task status, results, inputs, and outputs.

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