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padv.util.DictionaryCache Class

Namespace: padv.util

Manage data dictionary cache in MATLAB


This class requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check.

Use the padv.util.DictionaryCache class to manage the data dictionary cache in MATLAB®. You can use the utility functions of the class to set the cache to a temporary location, which can help you manage access to data dictionaries across multiple MATLAB sessions. When you instantiate an instance of the class, the class sets the cache to a temporary location. When you delete the instance, the class resets the cache to the default location.

The padv.util.DictionaryCache class is a handle class.



cacheManager = padv.util.DictionaryCache() creates a DictionaryCache object and sets the data dictionary cache to a temporary location, so long as the MATLAB session is not a Parallel Computing Toolbox™ worker in a parallel pool.

If you want to create a persistent cache manager instance that is locked for the current MATLAB session, consider using the padv.util.initSessionDataDictionaryCache function to create the cache manager instead.



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Set the data dictionary cache for your MATLAB session to a temporary location and then reset the cache to the default location.

Create a cache manager object by creating an instance of the padv.util.DictionaryCache class.

cacheManager = padv.util.DictionaryCache();

When you create an instance of the padv.util.DictionaryCache class, the class automatically sets the MATLAB data dictionary cache to a temporary location, so long as the MATLAB session is not a Parallel Computing Toolbox worker in a parallel pool.

Reset the cache location to the default location by deleting the cache manager object.

clear cacheManager;

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