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Find Artifacts with Queries

With the CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check support package, you can define a development and verification process for your team by adding tasks to your process model and using queries to find the relevant artifacts for your tasks and process. There are built-in queries for finding common artifacts like models, requirements, and test cases, but you can also create your own custom queries. Typically, you use queries to find artifacts for your tasks to iterate over, use as task inputs, or use to find additional artifacts that your task inputs depend on.

In Process Advisor, the Tasks column shows the artifacts that the task iterates over. When you point to task results in the I/O column, you can see the task inputs and input dependencies. You define the task iterations, inputs, and input dependencies by specifying the associated task properties using queries.

Diagram showing IterationQuery connected to task iterations, InputQueries connected to the task inputs, and InputDependencyQuery connected to the dependencies

Built-In Queries

The support package has built-in queries that can find specific sets of artifacts in your project. You can use the queries when you define your process, but note that you can only use certain queries as an input query (InputQueries) or iteration query (IterationQuery) for a task.

QueryReturnsIteration QueryInput Query

Artifacts that meet specified criteria

Only when the query property InProject is false.

padv.builtin.query.FindBuildfileBuild file for MATLAB® build tool 

Only when the query property InProject is false.

padv.builtin.query.FindCodeForModelGenerated code files and buildInfo.mat for a model
padv.builtin.query.FindDesignModelsUnits and components in project 

External code cache files in project

padv.builtin.query.FindFileWithAddressFile at the specified address

Only when the query property TrackArtifacts is true.

padv.builtin.query.FindFilesWithLabelFiles with specific project label 
padv.builtin.query.FindMAJustificationFileForModelFind Model Advisor justification files

Only when the query property InProject is false.

padv.builtin.query.FindModelsWithLabelModels with specific project label 
padv.builtin.query.FindModelsWithTestCasesModels associated with a test case 
padv.builtin.query.FindProjectFileProject file
padv.builtin.query.FindRefModelsReferenced models 
padv.builtin.query.FindRequirementsRequirement sets

Only when the query property InProject is false.

padv.builtin.query.FindRequirementsForModelRequirements associated with model
padv.builtin.query.FindTestCasesForModelTest cases associated with model
padv.builtin.query.FindTopModelsTop models
padv.builtin.query.FindUnitsUnits in the project
padv.builtin.query.GetDependentArtifactsDependent artifacts for artifact 
padv.builtin.query.GetInputsOfBuildToolTasksInputs of MATLAB build tool tasks 

Only when the query property InProject is false.


Artifact that the task is iterating over

padv.builtin.query.GetOutputsOfDependentTaskOutputs from immediate predecessor task 

Custom Queries

If you need to find artifacts that are not already covered by built-in queries, you can use custom queries in your process model. Depending on what you want your custom query to do, there are different approaches. For more information, see Create Custom Queries.

Valid Artifact Types

The support package creates a digital thread to monitor artifacts in your project and analyze their relationships. The digital thread is a set of metadata that allows Process Advisor and its build system to detect changes to the project and identify outdated task results. However, the digital thread only tracks changes to specific types of artifacts shown below. If you use custom queries that return unsupported artifact types, the digital thread cannot detect changes to those artifacts, which can limit the ability of Process Advisor to identify outdated tasks results. To see a list of the files the digital thread is tracking in your project, see Find Artifacts that Digital Thread Tracks.

The digital thread tracks the following types of artifacts. If an artifact in your project is represented by a padv.Artifact object with another artifact type, such as "other_file", changes to that artifact do not cause tasks to become outdated.

CategoryArtifact TypeDescription


"m_class"MATLAB class
"m_file"MATLAB file
"m_func"MATLAB function
"m_method"MATLAB class method
"m_property"MATLAB class property

Model Advisor

"ma_config_file"Model Advisor configuration file
"ma_justification_file"Model Advisor justification file

Process Advisor


Related artifacts that current artifact depends on


Process Advisor output file


"project"Current project file


"mwreq_file"Requirement file (since R2024b)
"mwreq_item"Requirement (since R2024b)


Requirement (for R2024a and earlier)
"sl_req_file"Requirement file (for R2024a and earlier)
"sl_req_table"Requirements Table


"sf_chart"Stateflow chart
"sf_graphical_fcn"Stateflow graphical function
"sf_group"Stateflow group
"sf_state"Stateflow state
"sf_state_transition_chart"Stateflow state transition chart
"sf_truth_table"Stateflow truth table


"sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
"sl_data_dictionary_file"Data dictionary file
"sl_embedded_matlab_fcn"MATLAB function
"sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
"sl_library_file"Library file
"sl_model_file"Simulink model file
"sl_protected_model_file"Protected Simulink model file
"sl_subsystem_file"Subsystem file

System Composer™

"zc_block_diagram"System Composer architecture
"zc_component"System Composer architecture component
"zc_file"System Composer architecture file
Tests"harness_info_file"Harness info file
"sl_harness_block_diagram"Harness block diagram
"sl_harness_file"Test harness file
"sl_test_case"Simulink Test™ case
"sl_test_case_result"Simulink Test case result
"sl_test_file"Simulink Test file
"sl_test_iteration"Simulink Test iteration
"sl_test_iteration_result"Simulink Test iteration result
"sl_test_report_file"Simulink Test result report
"sl_test_result_file"Simulink Test result file
"sl_test_resultset"Simulink Test result set
"sl_test_seq"Test Sequence
"sl_test_suite"Simulink Test suite
"sl_test_suite_result"Simulink Test suite result

Dynamically Resolve Paths with Tokens

To dynamically resolve paths for artifacts, directories, and other process information, you can use tokens as placeholders. The default process model and built-in task source code use the following tokens.

$INPUTARTIFACT$Input artifact for task
$ITERATIONARTIFACT$Current artifact that the task is acting on
$PWD$Current working directory
$TIMESTAMP$Current date and time in the format 'yyyy_mm_dd_HH_MM_ss'
$PROJECTROOT$Root folder of project
$TASKNAME$Task name or title
$DEFAULTOUTPUTDIR$Default output directory for the process model
$ROOTITERATIONARTIFACT$Root-level artifact for the iteration artifact

You can use these tokens in your process model, but note that:

  • The output directory of a task cannot be $PROJECTROOT$.

  • The pipeline generator, padv.pipeline.generatePipeline, does not support the tokens $PWD$, $TIMESTAMP$, and $INPUTARTIFACT$.

Inside the run method and dryRun method for a task, you can resolve tokens to their absolute path by using the resolvePath method. For example:

reportPath = convertStringsToChars(obj.resolvePath(obj.ReportPath));

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