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Generate pipeline file for CI platform


    generatorResults = padv.pipeline.generatePipeline(pipelineGeneratorOptions) generates a pipeline file for the CI platform and options specified by pipelineGeneratorOptions. The function padv.pipeline.generatePipeline is a pipeline generator that can automatically generate a pipeline file. The generated pipeline file can configure a pipeline that runs your process in CI.

    This functionality requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check.


    generatorResults = padv.pipeline.generatePipeline(___,processName) generates a pipeline file for the process specified by processName. By default, if you define multiple processes in your process model, the pipeline generator generates a pipeline for the default process in your process model. For more information, see Manage Multiple Build and Verification Workflows Using Processes.


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    Suppose that you want to run your process using Azure® DevOps.


    The generated pipeline file is simulink_pipeline.yml.

    For information on how to use the pipeline generator to integrate into Azure DevOps, see Integrate Process into Azure DevOps.

    Suppose that you want to run your process using GitHub®.


    The generated pipeline file is simulink_pipeline.yml.

    For information on how to use the pipeline generator to integrate into GitHub, see Integrate Process into GitHub.

    Suppose that you want to run your process using GitLab®.


    The generated pipeline file is simulink_pipeline.yml.

    For information on how to use the pipeline generator to integrate into GitLab, see Integrate Process into GitLab.

    Suppose that you want to run your process using Jenkins®.


    The generated pipeline file is simulink_pipeline.

    For information on how to use the pipeline generator to integrate into Jenkins, see Integrate Process into Jenkins.

    Input Arguments

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    Options for generating CI pipeline, specified as either a:

    Example: padv.pipeline.generatePipeline(padv.pipeline.GitLabOptions)

    Process name, specified as a string.

    Example: "CIPipeline"

    Data Types: string

    Output Arguments

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    Results from pipeline generator, returned as a padv.pipeline.GeneratorResults object. The filename for the generated pipeline file is stored in the property GeneratedPipelineFiles.

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