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Check for blocks not recommended for MISRA C:2012

Check ID: mathworks.misra.BlkSupport

Identify blocks that are not supported or recommended for MISRA C:2012 compliant code generation.


Following the recommendations of this check increases the likelihood of generating MISRA C:2012 compliant code for embedded applications.

Available with Embedded Coder® and Simulink® Check™.

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action

Lookup Table blocks using cubic spline interpolation or extrapolation methods were found in the model or subsystem. Specific blocks are:

Consider other interpolation and extrapolation methods for the Lookup Table blocks.

Deprecated Lookup Table blocks were found in the model or subsystem. Specific blocks are:

  • Lookup Table

  • Lookup Table (2-D)

Consider replacing the deprecated Lookup Table blocks.
S-Function Builder blocks were found in the model or subsystem.Consider replacing the S-Function Builder blocks with blocks recommended for production.
From Workspace blocks were found in the model or subsystemConsider replacing the From Workspace blocks with blocks recommended for production.

String blocks were found in the model or subsystem. Specific blocks are:

Consider replacing the String blocks with blocks recommended for production.

Capabilities and Limitations

You can:

  • Run this check on your library models.

  • Analyzes content of library linked blocks.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems.

  • Exclude blocks and charts from this check if you have a Simulink Check license.

Edit-Time Checking

This check is supported by edit-time checking.

See Also

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