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Get index of an output element of an operating point specification


The Outputs property of an operating point specification is an array that contains trimming specifications for each model output. When defining a mapping function for customized trimming of Simulink® models, you can use getOutputIndex to obtain the index of an output specification based on the corresponding block path.

When trimming Simulink models using optimization-based search, some applications require additional flexibility in defining the optimization search parameters. For such systems, you can specify custom constraints and a custom objective function. For complex models, you can define a mapping that selects a subset of the model states, inputs, and outputs to pass to the custom constraint and objective functions. For more information, see Compute Operating Points Using Custom Constraints and Objective Functions.

index = getOutputIndex(op,block) returns the index of the output specification that corresponds to block in the Outputs property of operating point specification op.


index = getOutputIndex(op,block,port) returns the index of the output specification that corresponds to the trim output constraint added to the specified output port of the specified block.

Use this syntax when the Outputs property of op contains trim output constraints for more than one signal originating from the same block.


index = getOutputIndex(op,block,port,element) returns the index of the specified element within an output specification for an output with multiple elements.



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Open Simulink model.

mdl = 'scdindex1';

Create an operating point specification for model.

opspec = operspec(mdl);

opspec contains an array of output specifications for the model.

ans = 

  y   Known  Min   Max 
_____ _____ _____ _____
(1.) scdindex1/Out1
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
(2.) scdindex1/Out2
  0   false -Inf   Inf 

Get the index of the output specification for Out2.

idx = getOutputIndex(opspec,'scdindex1/Out2')
idx =

     2     1

The first column of idx contains the index of the output specification in opspec.Outputs. The second column contains the element index within the output specification. In this case, there is only one element in the output specification.

Open Simulink model.

mdl = 'scdplane';

Create an operating point specification for the model.

opspec = operspec(mdl);

In addition to root-level outputs of a model, the opspec.Outputs array contains specifications for trim constraints added to signals using the addoutputspec command.

Add an output specification to the signal originating from second output port of the Aircraft Dynamics Model block.

opspec = addoutputspec(opspec,'scdplane/Aircraft Dynamics Model',2);

View the output array of opspec.

ans = 

  y   Known  Min   Max 
_____ _____ _____ _____
(1.) scdplane/alpha (rad)
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
(2.) scdplane/Nz Pilot (g)
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
(3.) scdplane/Aircraft Dynamics Model
  0   false -Inf   Inf 

Get the index of the added output specification. When there is an output specification for only one of the output ports of a given block, you do not need to specify the port number to get the output index.

index1 = getOutputIndex(opspec,'scdplane/Aircraft Dynamics Model')
index1 =

     3     1

Add an output specification to the signal originating from the first output of the same block.

opspec = addoutputspec(opspec,'scdplane/Aircraft Dynamics Model',1);

View the output array of opspec.

ans = 

  y   Known  Min   Max 
_____ _____ _____ _____
(1.) scdplane/alpha (rad)
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
(2.) scdplane/Nz Pilot (g)
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
(3.) scdplane/Aircraft Dynamics Model
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
(4.) scdplane/Aircraft Dynamics Model
  0   false -Inf   Inf 

There are now two output specifications that correspond to the same block, one for each output port. Obtain the index for the output specification that corresponds with the output port 1 of the Aircraft Dynamics Model block.

index2 = getOutputIndex(opspec,'scdplane/Aircraft Dynamics Model',1)
index2 =

     4     1

Open Simulink model.

mdl = 'scdtmp';

Create an operating point specification object for the model.

opspec = operspec(mdl);

opspec contains an output specification for the output port Out1, which is a vector signal.

ans = 

  y   Known  Min   Max 
_____ _____ _____ _____
(1.) scdtmp/Out1
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
  0   false -Inf   Inf 
  0   false -Inf   Inf 

Obtain the indices of all the elements of Out1.

index1 = getOutputIndex(opspec,'scdtmp/Out1')
index1 =

     1     1
     1     2
     1     3
     1     4
     1     5
     1     6

Each row of index1 contains the index for one element of the vector signal in Out1. The first column is the index of the output specification object for the Out1 port in the opsepc.Outputs. The second column is the element index within the output specification.

You can also obtain the index for individual elements of an output specification, or a subset of elements. Get the index of element number 4 of Out1.

index2 = getOutputIndex(opspec,'scdtmp/Out1',[],4)
index2 =

     1     4

Get the indices of elements 2 and 3 of Out1.

index3 = getOutputIndex(opspec,'scdtmp/Out1',[],[2 3])
index3 =

     1     2
     1     3

Input Arguments

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Operating point specification for a Simulink model, specified as an OperatingSpec or OperatingReport object.

Block path that corresponds to an output specification in the Outputs property of op, specified as a character vector or string that contains the path of one of the following:

  • Root-level output of the model.

  • Source block for a signal in the model to which an output specification has been added. For more information on adding output specifications to a model, see addoutputspec.

To see all the blocks that have output specifications, view the Outputs property of op.


Output port, specified as an integer in the range [1,N], where N is the number of output ports on the specified block. If block is a root-level output port, then N is 1.

If you do not specify port, and there is one entry in the output array of op that corresponds to the specified block, then the default value of port is the port number of that entry. If there are multiple entries in the output array that correspond to the specified block, then the default value of port is the port number of the first entry. For an example, see Get Index of Trim Output Specification Added to Signal.

To view the port number of the ith entry in the output array of op, type:


Output element index, specified as a positive integer less than or equal to the port width of the output of the specified block, or a vector of such integers. By default, if you do not specify element, getOutputIndex returns the indices of all elements in the selected output specification. For an example, see Get Output Indices for Output Specification with Multiple Elements.

Output Arguments

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Output index, returned as a 2-element row vector when element is an integer, or a 2-column array when element is a vector. Each row of index contains the index for a single output element.

The first column of index contains the index of the corresponding output specification in the Outputs property of op. The second column contains the element index within the output specification.

Using index, you can specify the output portion of a custom mapping for customized trimming of Simulink models. For more information, see the CustomMappingFcn property of operspec.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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