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Relational boundary coverage absolute tolerance

Relational boundary coverage absolute tolerance

Model Configuration Pane: Coverage


The Floating point tolerance: Absolute parameter specifies the value of absolute tolerance for relational boundary coverage. This parameter applies to only input signals with a floating-point data type, such as double. The relational boundary floating-point tolerance equation is max(absTol, relTol* max(|lhs|,|rhs|)). For more information, see Relational Boundary Coverage.


To enable this parameter select the Enable coverage analysis and Relational boundary parameters.


1e-5 (default) | floating-point value

Enter a floating-point value for the relational boundary absolute tolerance.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: CovBoundaryAbsTol
Type: single | double
Default: 1e-05

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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